Plan B?


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I guess y'all are having a drought, and your farmers are worried. I sympathize, and I do hope you get some good healthy summer storms soon. But, well, your governor is a dufus. With the state's weather forecasters not delivering much-needed rain, Gov. Bob Riley on Thursday turned to a higher power…
Er, I mean, technically, cell phone use, car use, and a tendency to plan things at the last minute are all correlated. It's poor form to confuse correlation with causation, even if it does gratify my latent Luddite tendencies. Or so says a survey of Norwegian families. Er, I mean, technically, the…
Where are the faculty bloggers? asks RPM over at evolgen Er, mostly hiding pseudonymously from rampaging department chairs and deans... but Chad takes up the discussion, standing up for the physicists bloggers, and borrowing a couple of astronomers for the good cause hey, thought I, this is…
Georgia school boss Kathy Cox has backed off her announced plan to remove the word "evolution" from the state academic standards. Paul Myers speculates that the whole thing could very well have just been a cover-up for the fact that the new proposed standards water down the teaching of evolution…

Besides, Warren Spahn and Johnny Sain have both passed away...

When Sonny Perdue was running for governor, he had a series of truly nauseating ads on TV where he and his wife talked about their "Sonny do-list". The message was that you can just tell ol' Sonny what you want done, and he'll by-gosh get it done. And now here he is passing the buck to god. Goodness. One wonders if one can believe any political ad these days.

And when it finally does rain, a couple months from now, they'll claim their prayers were answered.

When it finally does rain, and I think it will rain before a couple of months pass, they will, indeed, credit their prayers for ending the drought. Unfortunately, it won't have ended the drought. The Southeast has an ongoing drought, and has had for a lot longer than it has shown up in the news media. The drought is likely to continue for months to come and we won't catch up to "normal" for a long, long time. So long, in fact, that I think we may end up with a new normal.

And by the way, if anyone is interested in a look at local conditions in one part of the Southeast, this blog has a monthly summary of conditions and fairly frequent posts about the issue, as well as other interesting subjects:

It's my understanding that the La Niña is persisting, and that such conditions generally predict warm and dry in the Southeast.

So, if it doesn't rain enough to ease the drought, does anybody think ol' Sonny will admit prayer doesn't work?

I don't think so either.