vignettes from a life in science 2.

I am currently in one of my favourite physics hostels...

Aspen Center for Physics


My office is just behind the trees, kinda diagonally through on the other side of the building.
I'm here for a "gravitational radiation astronomy" workshop, which is being run in parallel with a "complexity" workshop.
Interesting crowd.
Been a very productive time, lots of interesting talks - strictly "Aspen rules" - blackboard talks or informal "alcove sessions" - expert level, on open issues and work in progress. Talks have been running for three hours, typically with 2-3 speakers in tandem.


This is the front entrance, mountains in the background.
Snowpack is melting, but we're expecting 1-3" tonight and tomorrow morning.
I could be stuck here!


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Stuck in Aspen! The horror! However will you cope?

By Brad Holden (not verified) on 06 Jun 2008 #permalink

Snow never got down to the town altitude - seemed to turn to rain about 1000 feet above us. Interesting to see the storms form to the west, roll over the valley and then really build up to tornadic thunderheads to the east as they came down off the mountains.

Annoyingly enough, even though my flight out did get cancelled, they managed to book me out on a later flight. And my connection on the east coast was delayed by UALs latest cost cutting insanity (apparently they contracted with a new ramp service company - I infer they are cheaper because they actually have no staff or equipment - it was intriguing if rather disturbing to see the co-pilot go out and load luggage by hand in 100 degree weather). Delay of the outbound was long enough I actually got home on the scheduled flight, even if it was somewhat later than planned...