
CR has a fascinating video from KCET on "trashout"
the poingancy and waste that comes from foreclosure and peoples' inability to cope

video is here

the waste, the trashing of furniture and equipment and items is horrendous,
but the cost in labour of slowing down and sorting through the stuff, and partitioning it and storing it and making sure it is safe and clean is prohibitive

there might be crowdsourcing solutions to this, but the liability issues probably preclude any formal or informal organized scavenging - if nothing else, if they put out a note for people to come help themselves, they are eventually going to run into the owners coming back for a final pick-through, to find someone stealing their stuff.

So it gets trashed.
Creative destruction.

What a waste.


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The only solution, I think, is the one where folks can scavenge at the dump. In a lot of CA locations, there are laws about sorting items because of heavy metals or toxins.

I can't read CR on a regular basis, it is just too depressing.