Is cosmology about to become boring?

The precise measurement of the microwave background fluctuations by COBE, followed by the tour de force "concordance cosmology" results of the WMAP mission combined with decades of data on large scale structure, clusters of galaxies and distance ladder calibrations, up to and including type Ia supernovae, is one of the great pieces of modern complex physical science, and am endeavour which promises continued deep insight into the origin and properties of the universe, and the fundamental laws of physics.

Now with update and indirect word of WMAP reaction.

The current best estimate of the cosmological parameters is a bit strange, but has some intriguing aspects to it, which has kept hundreds of theorists busy while we wait for Planck data, which ought to settle some issues and deepen the strangeness of other.
Which is fun.

In particular, without worrying about nuances such as physics of reionization, or presence of non-zero curl in the microwave background, or the slowness of the evolution of early inflation, the WMAP results had interestingly large cosmic variance for the quadrupole and octopole, and an associated "axis-of-evil" - a possible preferred direction in space, associated with the orientation of the low order multipoles.

Now Sean points us to a new preprint, but only as a tweet/fb entry, not a blog.
So... since he made me go out and actually read the darned thing, I might as well make it blogfodder.

Paper is: Improved CMB Map from WMAP Data
by Liu and Li. on arXiv 17th July 2009, submitted to MNRAS

Abstract: "The cosmic microwave background (CMB) temperature maps published by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) team are found to be inconsistent with the differential time-ordered data (TOD), from which the maps are reconstructed. The inconsistency indicates that there is a serious problem in the map making routine of the WMAP team, and it is necessary to reprocess the WMAP data. We develop a self-consistent software package of map-making and power spectrum estimation independently of the WMAP team. Our software passes a variety of tests. New CMB maps are then reconstructed, which are significantly different with the official WMAP maps. In the new maps, the inconsistency disappeared, along with the hitherto unexplained high level alignment between the CMB quadrupole and octopole components detected in released WMAP maps. An improved CMB cross-power spectrum is then derived from the new maps which better agrees with that of BOOMRANG. Two important results are hence obtained: the CMB quadrupole drops to nearly zero, and the power in multiple moment range between 200 and 675 decreases on average by about 13%, causing the best-fit cosmological parameters to change considerably, e.g., the total matter density increases from 0.26 up to 0.32 and the dark energy density decreases from 0.74 down to 0.68. These new parameters match with improved accuracy those of other independent experiments. Our results indicate that there is still room for significant revision in the cosmological model parameters. "

Like, wow, dude.

That is, academically speaking, a pretty serious calling out.

The claim is that the WMAP data reduction technique is formally correct, but must have been implemented incorrectly, because of claimed inconsistencies in the data.
There is also some comment on the use of "hot spot" data - mainly insufficiently harsh rejection of foreground structure from solar system and galactic objects. eg. Liu and Li require larger "avoidance zones" for the planets.
I will be interested in the WMAP analysis team response...

So, they're basically claiming the quadrupole/octopole/alignment anomalies in the WMAP release are due to systematic errors in the data analysis, and that the actual cosmological parameters have more matter and less dark energy, though they do not claim qualitative changes in the cosmological parameters. Dark energy is still there, for example.
The discrepancies are at the 3-4σ level, kinda - actually the WMAP numbers they quote, for the matter density, for example, are not the current best fit WMAP numbers.
Liu and Li state 0.74 for ΩΛ, for example, while WMAP actually claims 0.72, which is closer (3 σ) to Liu and Li's claim of 0.68.
This is a function of which prior one chooses in the WMAP matrix of results to get best estimated parameters (ie they compare WMAP5 alone instead of WMAP+BAO+SN).

From Liu and Li 2009 (arxiv.0907.2731v2).
Their difference map from the WMAP5 result, showing their claim that the quadrupole measured by WMAP5 is almost entirely spurious (click to embiggen)

The quadrupole is now, they claim, if anything, anomalously low; while the octopole becomes completely uninteresting, as does any alignment.
They also claim better agreement at high multipoles with BOOMERANG data.

Interestingly, they get higher τ and σ8.
But same ns and H0.

So... what do we make of this.
The WMAP team has some of the best data analysts in the world, with a large group and a formal process for error checking, consistency and verification of results.
Or there's a couple of guys in China who redid the analysis, using the same methodology, but writing the code from scratch, who claim an inconsistency.

Well, I don't know.
The structure they note in the differential time ordered data map may be a concern, I honestly can't say, it might be something trivial that the people who stared at the data for 5 years will snort at.
Or, maybe a coding error introducing a subtle bias got through the process and the analysis is just off enough to be interesting, without having been qualitatively wrong.
I'm not sure a zero quadrupole is a good swap, metaphysically speaking, with a too large quadrupole...

What does this all mean.
Well, all the fun papers on cosmic variances, alignment of the sky, and hints of funky topologies or worse... irrrelevant, if Liu and Li are right.

The σ8 and τ are more annoying if those are wrong, a lot of detailed large scale structure simulations were then done using inadequate parameters and ought to be redone.
Jobs for the girls and boys, I suppose...

Theorists could now begin to obsess over the "overly rigid universe" implied by the low quadrupole, and start fantasizing about the implications for new, revolutionary physics.

Ultimately, Liu and Li will either be refuted, or confirmed, either by WMAP reanalysis or Planck data, or both. In the mean time the paper may either be ignored, or debated hotly, but it will probably not be quietly accepted without further discussion...

If correct, I think the new concordance parameters would be rather more boring.
But we are not done yet.

PS: I hear, second hand, that there is more to this.

1) the WMAP people think Liu and Li are wrong. Natch.

2) more than one of the Planck groups redid the WMAP analysis partly as warmup for Planck and partly as a fishing expedition, and they get results very consistent with the WMAP5 release

3) Liu and Li did talk to WMAP people, who asked L&L to do some tests on their technique to validate it, and WMAP people say L&L have failed to do this.

4) Liu and Li paper was previously rejected from another journal.

5) Most interestingly of all, I hear an experienced WMAP member sat down and actually tried to recreate Liu & Li's analysis: I hear third hand that this person both found errors in how Liu and Li treated the hot pixels, and in how they filtered the time ordered data.
ie WMAP claims to understand the difference in the results and to have identifies explicitly the systematic errors in the analysis that Liu and Li are making, leading to the discrepant result.

So, right now, this tips very strongly to Liu and Li being wrong and we're back to the slightly more exciting concordance cosmolgy, with preferred direction but low rigidity.

This could yet be a "teachable moment"...


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Flippantly, I am cheering for these guys because
a) I measured Omega_m = 0.32 +/- 0.08 in my thesis
b) I would love 1/3 matter, 2/3 DE to be the actual cosmology.

More seriously, a time series error in the data seems, well, serious. I would not give a lot of credence to this normally without reading the paper, except for the whole quadropole/octopole issue.

The paper is, uh, interesting. They claim an RMS of 265 micro-K when 0.2 micro-K is expected when they try to back out the WMAP5 inputs. Someone is doing something really wrong, and that seems a lot bigger than a 3-4 sigma change in cosmological parameter. Maybe someone who has a clue (unlike me) can explain this.

Interesting. It always bothers me if one collaboration does all the data analysis and you have to rely on their code. Not only in CMB data. Take one of these Japanese groups with their neutrino detector and try to figure out how they arrive at their parameters.

Are the Chinese bailing out Cosmology too now? If you notice the reads history on ADS so far it seems well on it's way to the being ignored bin.

Yeah, and I can see why people who have done a lot work based on WMAP3/5 data would rather not think about this.
Right now it is a niggle rather than panic.
The quadrupole/octopole issue is what really perks ones ears up. Embarrassing if that is due to a systematic error that snuck through.
Pragmatically, I think the change in tau and sigma8 are what really matters.

Ignored or not, Planck will settle this.
The WMAP group is not likely to have the inclination or resources to redo their analysis from scratch, so unless an intrepid grad student decides to do a second independent single-blind analysis of the data, from scratch... we'll just have to wait.

Good blogfodder though. And easier for me to poke at it then Sean, who is a bit closer to all of the action.

Couple of things that slightly bothers me: one is whether WMAP tested their analysis with synthetic sky maps, I honestly don't recall reading in their papers whether they did, and I went through all the WMAP3 papers for a journal club presentation; other thing is, there is no indication Liu and Li actually talked to any of the WMAP people about this. Would have been useful if they did.

It is important to note that, unlike most particle physics and ground based projects, NASA data sets are public.
The raw and reduced data is public, freely distributed and mostly online for immediate access (except for short proprietary periods, typically one year, in some but not all cases).

So ANYONE can grab the WMAP data set in its entirety, and run any analysis they want on it.

Hasn't there always been an uncomfortable correlation between solar system geometry and quadrupole and octopole anomalies, which is why people have looked at zodiacal light etc? I remember seeing something about the structure of the Heliosphere being a possible explanation too. Given that, it's not completely implausible that improper rejection of foreground sources just might cause it. Those wandering planets could introduce very interesting spatial frequencies that wouldn't be the easiest thing to identify ex post facto if the initial rejection was wanting as they suggest. Not saying these chaps are right but interesting ...

hello,America.this is China.
I what to say something after analysising your "timber".
I think you are very wrong about our work,first:our work is
independent from what you said "journal"
second :your recomment about our work is rude and nonsense"
Have any wonders ,you can call:15965773083.

By Daoshang Guan (not verified) on 06 Aug 2009 #permalink

Sorry of giving some strange comments a few days ago!
To tell the truth ,i'm not major in sophisicated phyfics,so please don't mind my implite words .
I love America ,a wonderful countery !

By Daoshang Guan (not verified) on 09 Aug 2009 #permalink

This update exposes both Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku as self-described NEO-CREATIONISTS and exposes the U.S. government-led attempt to lead a takeover of Theoretical Astrophysics by supplanting Quantum Mechanics and Relativity with fraudulent âString Theory,â make neo-creationism/âintelligent designâ the default belief in schools, colleges and universities and once again try to deny that the Big Bang ever occurred:

Materialist Analysis of Theoretical Astrophysics

The Capitalist Dictatorship Deliberately Falsifies Basic Science!
Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Wendy Freedman, Dennis
Overbye, Nichlas Wade, Brian Greene, etc. Are Exposed as Liars!
Self-Described Neo-Creationists Hawking and Kaku Are
Leading a Takeover Attempt of Theoretical Astrophysics!

Today basic medicine, science including climatology, astrophysics and even both Einsteinâs Special Theory and General Theory of Relativity are brazenly and routinely falsified at the direction of genuinely Fascist elements for political/religious reasons. These scientifically fabricated and bizarre distortions are mixed in with some actual science and are passed off as âthe new scienceâ in exhaustive falsifications lasting for hours on NOVA, FRONTLINE, National Geographic Channel, CUNY TV, the âDiscovery Channelâ and even the so-called âHistory Channel.â There is also a simultaneous attempt to create a sense of panic in order to help generate the Mass Psychology of Crisis based on falsely claimed imminent threats from space from rogue asteroids to Stephen Hawkingâs alarmist claim of future invasions by inevitably hostile space aliens. See section below on UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life. In addition, the above-mentioned so-called âcosmologistsâ publish an endless stream of books, videos and magazine and newspaper articles, not to mention the new textbooks, to try to popularize their fiction and pass it off as good coin. The media, including the science media is simply a privatized arm of the U.S. âintelligence agency,â an actual army of legions of professional liars in every area of politics and every academic discipline and includes even so-called âcomediansâ working in service to the capitalist dictatorship of millionaires and billionaires. The U.S. media is very similar to Blackwater, Dyncorp, Custer Battles and Triple Canopy, etc. the armed military contractors in Iraq and Afghanistan, except that the media has always been privatized. Can you say Total Brainwash of the youth? Not to mention the adult population! Note that Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku, who are leasing the takeover attempt of theoretical astrophysics and âcosmology,â now both openly describe themselves as neo-creationist/âintelligent designâ advocates and are campaigning through their statements to make neo-creationism the default belief in schools, colleges and universities! (See below.)

There is also a maximal attempt to confuse the masses in order to keep them susceptible to the constant stream of lies originating from NASA and the U.S. government, which have threatened to ram through a revisit of the Moon and have even tried to pump up support for a Mars mission and missions to asteroids. (?) There is no possibility that a manned trip to Mars would ever return. Rocketry is a primitive form of space travel and there is no acknowledged attempt of efforts to develop the nuclear powered electromagnetic anti-gravity engine used by so-called UFOs, which are documented to have visited the Earth for Millennia. Moon, Mars and asteroid trips obviously make no sense except to keep NASA and its suppliers in business and are one more pretext to divert money from social spending and to boost U.S. patriotism. Under public pressure the Obama Regime has supposedly cancelled the Moon and Mars ventures but states that it will privatize the role of NASA, going even further than Bush in privatization schemes for capitalism now in its end stage. (See below.) The widespread academic opposition to these wide-scale falsifications of science and money wasting ventures is never given equal time! We demand and will take some time to refute the U.S.-led capitalist dictatorshipâs lies.

The Capitalist Dictatorshipâs Attempt to Falsify the
Age of the Universe to Help Provide False Belief in âgodâ

The capitalists have tried to falsify the actual age of the Universe and the infinite cycle of a Big Bang followed by a Big Crunch, meaning a closed rather than an open Universe, because the reality of a closed Universe does not fit with the religious brainwash of a single creation and belief in a supernatural fictitious âgod.â (The statecraft of capitalismâs alliance with religion and belief in âgodâ and other superstition is exposed further below.) The reality is that the process of contraction of the Universe began soon after the Big Bang, which began the process of expansion. The process of contraction began with the first condensations of gas after the Big Bang. At first the process of expansion was dominant, but the processes of expansion and contraction exist simultaneously from shortly after the Big Bang until finally the process of contraction becomes dominant and all galactic matter is finally drawn into Supermassive Black Holes, which today form the centers of all spiral galaxies and elliptical galaxies in the process of becoming spiral galaxies. These Supermassive Black Holes, which are growing larger continuously, finally link up all existing matter of the Universe at one spot, one huge super-maximal Black Hole known as the Singularity in the Big Crunch, at which time critical mass in the true and ultimate sense is reached for another Big Bang Cycle and the beginning of another Universe. This analysis clearly and conclusively demonstrates that THERE WAS NO âMOMENT OF CREATIONâ because all the matter for this Universe already existed in its pure nuclear form in the Singularity from a previous Big Crunch which preceded the Big Bang which began our present Universe. And the origin of matter is PROVED to be an unknowable. (See below.) This is the ONLY explanation which fits the facts!

Ninety-five Percent of Matter in the Universe Exists in the Form of Energy According
To Einsteinâs Formula E=mc2! Black Holes Completely Reverse that Relationship and
Solve the Equation for Mass: m=E/c2 thus Supplying the so-called âMissing Massâ!

The critical mass density required for the Big Crunch to occur is 1 x 10 to the negative 29th of a gram per cubic centimeter (approximately 5 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter), according to the calculation from the General Theory of Relativity, which predicted Black Holes. Neutrinos are now known to have mass which may be sufficient to supply the supposed âmissing mass.â (See below.) But probably even more significant is the recent paper in Science (November 21, 2008) which shows that 95% of matter in the Universe exists in the form of energy according to Einsteinâs formula E=mc2. This relationship would reverse in a Black Hole and the so-called âmissing massâ would gradually appear as the contraction of the Universe allowed the energy-mass relationship to shift so that in a practical and real sense Einsteinâs formula would be solved for mass: m=E/c2. Though the authors of the paper fail to draw this conclusion that is the inescapable significance of those papers. See below. The fact that the expansion and contraction of the Universe occur simultaneously is one more example of the Law of Unity of Opposites, the Second Law of and Historical Materialism and the correctness of the scientific philosophy of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, as opposed to the false philosophies of idealism and metaphysics, which are the only philosophies permitted to be seriously taught in U.S. colleges and universities, and which form the underlying basis for all phony âcosmologicalâ theory! See further below!

Black Holes Have Mass and a Size, Which
Can Be Calculated, and Rotate on an Axis!

In addition, in the Big Crunch matter most certainly does NOT collapse to âless than the size of a single molecule,â a totally ridiculous assertion by the so-called âstring theoristsâ (see below) designed to try to discredit the Theory of the Big Bang/Big Crunch Cycle of the Universe. The Black Hole in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy is 15 million miles in diameterânot âthe size of a single moleculeâ! Black Holes are formed exclusively of condensed nuclear material; protons and neutrons (composed of quarks) and electrons (composed of leptons) devoid of their orbits and all motion, all collapsed together. The end point of all matter in the Big Crunch is a Single Black Hole, the so-called âSingularity.â The size of the final âSingularityâ which forms prior to the Big Bang would thus be quite large because it must contain all the nuclear material in the entire Universe. All Black Holes have the same mass density, which is said to be infinite, and which vary only in actual mass depending on how many stars and how much nuclear material they contain. The only difference is the difference in mass, which is constantly increasing as matter changes from its energy form when entering a Black Hole. See above cited article in Nature, November 21, 2008. Note that while some of the information provided below may appear to be somewhat technical it is necessary for any subsequent challenges which might be made of this dialectical and historical materialist analysis. An educated reader should be able to understand most of it and follow for the most part the explanations, which have in turn vast political implications. A few key references are provided and the reader can research the area independently.

Black Holes have mass and size just as neutron stars (pulsars) also have mass!! All Black Holes, both Stellar Black Holes and Supermassive Black Holes (the result of combination of millions of solar masses) which form the center of evolving elliptical galaxies and all spiral galaxies, also rotate extremely rapidly just like neutron stars, some of which are estimated to be only 8 to 20 miles in diameter, and rotate in 1.4 milliseconds to 30 seconds! Black Holes rotate as fast or faster. All stars rotate on a central axis to some degree due to the angular momentum of gas approaching the center of the proto-star prior to the ignition of hydrogen fusion. In other words the gravitational collapse of gas in star formation is not uniform just as its opposite, an explosion such as the Big Bang is not uniform. When the radius of the star is reduced drastically in stellar collapse the angular momentum remains the same but the momentum of inertia is sharply reduced. The standard example is that of a figure skater spinning with outstretched arms who speeds up by pulling in his/her arms. Black Holes are formed from the collapse of the largest Blue Giant stars 5 to 20 or more solar masses. Neutron stars are formed from the explosion of stars with 1.35 to 2.1 solar masses in a Type II, Type Ib or Type Ic supernova explosion. The rapid rotation of Supermassive Black Holes is in fact the reason Spiral Galaxies exist in the flattened disk form they do with spiral armsâbecause of the huge gravitational force exerted by the rapid rotation of Supermassive Black Holes which form their galactic centers! As mentioned this fact is entirely covered up and denied by the phony NASA âscientistsâ on television, e.g., National Geographic TV. As the rotating Supermassive Black Hole in the galactic center gradually increases in size through accumulation/accretion of more stellar material and gas, the early elliptical galaxies, in the process of becoming a spiral galaxies, begin to flatten due to the rapid rotation of the Supermassive Black Hole in their center which causes the flattening. It should also be noted that as would be expected there exist a high number of stellar black holes in the galactic center drawn by their strong gravitational fields on their way to join the central Supermassive Black Hole. According to observations of the Chandra X-Ray Telescope released in a July 16, 2005 report there are 10,000 stellar black holes along with numerous neutron stars orbiting the Supermassive Black Hole in the center of our own Milky Way Galaxy, officially designated Sagittarius A (SGR A)! The Supermassive Black Hole at the center of the Milky Way has a mass of 3.7 million solar masses. The largest known Supermassive Black Hole in the OJ 287 Quasar contains 18 billion solar masses!

The spiral arms comprised of outlying stars are formed by the combination of the gravitational force coming from the rapidly rotating galactic center and the relative gravitational attraction of one outlying star to another based on their actual distances from one another. As the outlying stars approach neighboring stars due to gravity this leaves other areas where stars are much less concentrated giving rise to the appearance of usually 2 major spiral arms originating from each end of the central bar often found in the galactic center, as well as several minor spiral arms, all of which are actually in the process of being gradually drawn inexorably toward the galactic center. The gravitational force of the Black Hole, the mass of which is steadily increasing, gradually overcomes the outward centrifugal force caused by its rapid rotation. Central bars form after the Supermassive Black Hole in the center of a large spiral galaxy reaches a certain size and are therefore found more prevalently in more massive galaxies where the required mass is reached sooner. Central bars form when stellar orbits in a spiral galaxy become unstable and deviate from a circular path. The tiny elongations in the stars' orbits grow and become locked into place, forming a bar. The bar becomes even stronger as it locks more and more of these elongated orbits into place. Eventually a high fraction of the stars in the galaxy's inner region join the bar. The galactic center thus attracts both gas and stars. This concentration of gas at the center of spiral galaxies does result in the formation of new stars but does not represent the primary or original source of star formation, which occurs in the beginning of formation of galaxies from gravitational condensation and collapse of primordial gas clouds. The central bars draw a large amount of gas towards the galactic center, fueling this new star formation, building central bulges of stars, and feeding the Supermassive central black hole. The formation of a bar may be one of the last stages in the evolution of a spiral galaxy prior to its eventual total collapse entirely into its central Supermassive Black Hole.

Information Overload by NASA and U.S. Government Propagandists is used to Distract
Focus Away from the Significance and Central Role Black Holes Play in the Process
Of Contraction of the Universe which Finally Becomes Dominant in the Big Crunch!

In the interest of accuracy it is also important to mention that this information is being misused by NASA and other U.S. government propagandists to try to distract from and obscure the significance of black holes and the central role black holes play in the process of contraction of the Universe, which ultimately becomes dominant over the simultaneous process of expansion. First, it is a fact that matter generally enters a black hole through a combination of both gravitation and magnetism. Matter in the accretion disk, which spins around the black hole, can only enter the black hole after it loses its angular momentum. The inertia of the material in the accretion disk keeps it spiraling in a disk rather than falling straight into the black hole. The inertia in turn is due to the mass of the material in the disc and the gravitational field caused by the extremely rapid rotation of the black hole itself. An accretion disc is a rotating disk of gas, dust and other matter that may form around any of a variety of stars or other massive objects from protostars to white dwarfs to neutron stars to stellar black holes and Supermassive Black Holes and even quasars (see below). While the accretion disc of a young star or protostar usually contains dust which later consolidates or accretes to form planets and other objects, the accretion disk of a black hole, which may also contain stars, feeds matter directly into the black hole.

According to a report in the July 22, 2006 Nature, and another 2008 paper by F. Casse Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 50 124020 (9pp) confirming the 1973 theory of Starobinsky and Churilov, the spinning gas in an accretion disc generates its own magnetic field which powers a wind of charged particles directed away from the black hole. The wind of charged particles transfers angular momentum from the inner regions of the disk outward in a twin jet phenomenon perpendicular to the plane of the accretion disk allowing angular momentum to be conserved, meaning to remain balanced or constant. This transfer of angular momentum outward slows down the spinning gas near the center, allowing gravitation to draw matter into the black hole. The magnetic field also causes turbulence and friction to build up within the disk. The friction heats up the gas to millions of degrees, causing it to glow brilliantly in the ultraviolet and X-ray bands. In Supermassive Black Holes large jets of plasma flow away from the accretion disc perpendicular to its center at almost the speed of light. These jets of plasma travel outward along the magnetic field lines which are twisted by the rotating accretion disk. It should be noted that the material which flows outward in the jets represents only a tiny amount of material extracted from the accretion disk. (Plasma, which is found in the accretion disk closest to the black hole, is a partially ionized gas, where a certain proportion of electrons are free, not being bound to atoms or molecules, unlike the gas form of matter. This permits electrical conduction of magnetic fields. Plasma is considered the fourth state of matter in addition to solid, gas and liquid.

Redshift Measurement of Quasars puts
The Age of the Universe at 28 Billion Years!

The process where matter enters a black hole from its accretion disk may be greatly expanded during the formation of quasars where a Supermassive Black Hole at a galactic Center accretes a huge amount of matter in the order of billions of stars. When two black holes combine or a stellar black hole enters a Supermassive Black Hole in a galactic center the process causes the emission of radio waves and even visible light. When hundreds of millions to billions of stars and enormous amounts of gas first combine to create a Supermassive Black Hole in the center of a galaxy the energy released is exponentially increased and is known as a quasar. In a quasar this radiation is emitted across the entire spectrum almost equally, from X-rays to the far-infrared with a peak in the ultraviolet-optical bands, with some quasars also being strong sources of radio emission and of gamma-rays. Quasars are the most visibly luminous objects in the Universe and are also the strongest energy source in the Universe. A quasar is simply an accelerated process of formation of a Supermassive Black Hole in an early galaxy. The release of gravitational energy by matter falling towards a massive black hole in the formation of a quasar is the only process known that can produce such high power continuously, energy far greater than the fusion process which powers stars. Quasars easily outshine their host galaxies. (The light we see is from the huge superheated accretion disk, which is greatly enlarged due to the high density of matter in such galaxies. Stellar explosions such as Supernovas and gamma-ray bursts can create the same level of energy, but only for a few minutes. Gamma ray bursts are generated by hypernova, which are simply very large supernova, the collapse of a stars with masses 100 to 200 times that of the sun. Contrary to the lies designed to create confusion, which appear on the National Geographic so-called Discovery Channel âHow the Universe Worksâ programs, not all early galaxies possessed enough mass to produce a quasar. There is no evidence for example, that the Milky Way Galaxy, as claimed by Micho Kaku & Co. was a quasar! The Supermassive Black Hole at its center is far too small! And the mass extinction on Earth 440-450 million years ago was undoubtedly NOT caused by a gamma ray burst from a hypernova, but from the continental drift of a large landmass (Gondwana) into the south polar region causing a global temperature drop, glaciation and lowering of sea level which destroyed 60% of habitats around the continental shelves at a time when all life was confined to the seas and oceans. Evidence documenting this was found in deposits in the Sahara Desert.

All observed quasar spectra have red shifts between 0.06 and 6.5. Applying Hubble's law to these red shifts, it can be shown that they are between 780 million and 28 billion light-years away, a measurement which is NOT due to gravitational lensing, although this has been reported for some extremely bright quasars. This is proof that the Universe itself is at least 28 billion years old! So the most recent âestimatesâ of the Hubble Constant and the actual age of the Universe by NASA, Wendy Freedman and company and the media (a privatized arm of the U.S. âintelligence communityâ) are obviously TOTALLY FALSE! (See below.) The process of quasar formation occurred regularly in the early Universe in the formation of galaxies with huge densely concentrated gas and stars. It should be obvious that the first galaxies to form in the Universe generally contained the highest volume and concentration of gas, which in turn created the highest concentration and densities of stars. The Supermassive Black Holes at the center of those early galaxies became quasars. Galaxies without such high densities of matter develop more along the lines of our own Milky Way Galaxy and Andromeda, for example. Formation of galaxies is still occurring but generally they do not become quasars because the volume and density of gas is insufficient. An exception is 3C 273 in the constellation Virgo which is only 33 light years away with a luminosity equal to 2 trillion times that of our sun or about 100 times the total light of the Milky Way. Their discovery by Maarten Schmidt in 1967 was early strong evidence against the totally discredited steady state theory of Fred Hoyle, and in favor of the Big Bang Theory. Blazers, incidentally are the same as quasars but have their perpendicular jets in direct alignment with our galaxy, while quasars have their jets pointed away in another direction.

As part of the escalating campaign of Big Lies, in March 2009 NASA made the totally disingenuous statement on a National Geographic Channel so-called âNaked Scienceâ show that âwhile black holes are associated with galaxies we (who we?) do not yet know what that relationship is!â (!) And on May 17, 2010, Michelle Thaler of NASA disingenuously stated: âWe do not know which comes first the galaxy or the Black Holeâ (!) and further falsely stated that when 2 spiral galaxies collide the result is an elliptical galaxy âwhich does not spin!â This is another Big Lie and demonstrates a very systematized structure of lies. The truth is that the elliptical galaxy in this case is only a temporary structure. The Black Holes, which drove the 2 colliding spiral galaxies, combine and a larger spiral galaxy is formed. The motive for that feigned ignorance/Big Lie by the misnamed âintelligence communityâ is to try to obscure the documented reality that the matter of all galaxies is entering black holes as part of the ongoing contraction of the Universe, which begins shortly after the Big Bang and takes places simultaneously with the process of expansion and finally becomes dominant. As explained herein expansion of the Universe has slowed down enormously since the Big Bang and will be overtaken by the process of contraction until all mass in the Universe has again entered the final Black Hole, the so-called final Singularity in the Big Crunch. At that point there will be another Big Bang and another Universe will begin. In addition, NASA and other government propagandists have attempted to overemphasize the accretion disk/jet phenomenon and the huge energy produced as matter enters a black hole or quasar, almost to make it appear that black holes and quasars are âexpellingâ matter as much as drawing it in, virtually standing black holes on their head and falsely ascribing all sorts of false âobservationsâ to black holes, in order to divert focus from the primary role of black holes as the mechanism or engine of contraction of the Universe and the beginning of the Big Crunch!

One example is the false claim by the fraudster, James Geach, hyped in the July 7, 2009 New York Times by the determined âintelligence communityâ propagandist Dennis Overbye, that black holes fueled so-called Lyman alpha âblobs,â glowing clouds of gas in the early universe. But that lie was immediately refuted with the obvious explanation that cold gas streaming into a protogalaxy would heat up and glow from the gravitational energy alone! (See: âLyman Alpha Blobs as an Observational Signature of Cold Accretion Streams into Galaxiesâ by Mark Dijkstra and Abraham Loeb, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, June 5, 2009.) These fraudulent NASA/U.S. government propagandists hope that most viewers know absolutely nothing and will believe virtually anything that they are told by someone claiming to be a âscientistâ or âprofessorâ and that most people will not do their own research, or will remain at least confused and vulnerable to their next bizarre fantastical claim. That is why the information which appears here should be forwarded by email and networked in every possible way nationally and internationally in order to counter the U.S. capitalist dictatorshipâs Big Lies. The objective of the capitalist dictatorship is to render the population more susceptible to their lies in every area including politics and economics, which also have little to no basis in reality. The capitalist dictatorship also resorts to the come on of ânaked scienceâ in order to try to sex-up their Big Lie propaganda in theoretical astrophysics, while simultaneously presenting some truthful âNaked Scienceâ reports in other areas and in other National Geographic programs in order to help their Big Lies blend in.

In response to the heavy push on the so-called âHistory Channel,â etc. it should be noted that the Theory of the Big Bang was first proposed by Georges-Henri Lemaître, who had both a PhD in physics and was an ordained priest. Lemaître studied at the University of Leuven, the University of Cambridge, Harvard and MIT. The little read report was first published in 1927 in the Annales de la Société Scientifique de Bruxelles (Annals of the Scientific Society of Brussels) and later in Nature: G. Lemaître, The Beginning of the World from the Point of View of Quantum Theory, Natureâ 127 (1931), n. 3210, pp. 706. Lemaître called it âthe hypothesis of Primeval Atomâ and also referred to it as "the Cosmic Egg exploding at the moment of the creation," with the word âcreationâ obviously reflecting his religious bias. As explained above the Universe did not originate from a single point less than the size of a single molecule as falsely proposed by the string theorists, who now are pushing Lemaître. As explained above the end point of all matter in the Big Crunch is a Single Black Hole, the so-called âSingularity.â As mentioned all Black Holes have the same mass density, which is said to be infinite, and which vary only in actual mass depending on how many stars and how much nuclear material they contain. The only difference is the difference in mass, which is constantly increasing as matter changes from its energy form when entering a Black Hole according to m=E/c2, Einsteinâs formula from the Special Theory solved for mass. See cited article in Nature, November 21, 2008. The Singularity contains the combined mass of all nuclear material from all stars and gas in the Universe. The designation: âBig Bang Theoryâ first derived from a derogatory reference to the theory of an expanding Universe by Fred Hoyle on the BBC in March 1949 over 20 years after it was first proposed. The truth as explained above and herein is that the processes of expansion and contraction of the Universe coexist from shortly after the Big Bang until finally the process of contraction becomes dominant and there is a Big Crunch followed by another Big Bang and formation of another Universe.

It is a fact that Lemaître applied Albert Einsteinâs Theory of General Relativity to Cosmology, but was NOT a spearhead of religion supposedly leading physics as Lemaître is presently falsely being portrayed on the so-called âHistory Channel.â Lemaître also preceded Edwin Hubble in deriving what became known as Hubbleâs Law and even calculated the Hubble Constant but was not able to prove the linear relation which Hubble did in 1929. Lemaître has rarely been given the credit he is due for first proposing the Big Bang Theory for 3 reasons: 1.) The theory of an expanding Universe was opposed at the time he first proposed it by Einstein and others, 2.) For political-religious reasons explained herein the capitalist dictatorship has always opposed the Big Bang Theory because the natural logic of a Big Bang implies a Big Crunch and a cyclic nature of the Universe rather than a single creation which leaves the most room for âa creatorâ and 3.) U.S. nationalism/jingoism, where the U.S. capitalist dictatorship always prefers that whenever possible credit be given to an American. Edwin Hubble was an American lawyer. Although Lemaître had received numerous Belgian and international scientific honors only recently have the capitalists been pushing Lemaître in order to focus on the fact that he was a priest and that his theory speaks of a moment of âcreation.â The so-called âHistory Channelâ focuses on this language in an attempt to inject the sophisticated form of neo-creationism/intelligent design also espoused by Francis Collins, Obamaâs new choice for head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). See below. Both Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking have also now identified themselves as neo-creationists/âintelligent designâ advocates! See below.

The Hubble Constant is a calculation of the speed at which the Universe is expanding and is crucial in calculating the age of the Universe. Four methods have been used to estimate the Hubble Constant and age of the Universe. The most recent method employed by Allan Sandage, et al measures: 1.) the distances to Type 1a Supernovae explosions in distant galaxies and then 2.) confirms those measurements by comparing the relative luminosities of Cepheid variable stars as so-called âstandard candles,â while Wendy Freedmanâs NASA team uses Cepheid Variable stars alone, which is a lot less accurate. Freedmanâs method especially is an easy method in which to either err or to deliberately falsify results as she and her NASA team have clearly done. (See below.) The typical errors in calculating the Hubble Constant include: 1.) âthe universal, yet unjustified Period-Luminosity relation of Cepheid (variable stars), 2.) neglect of selection bias in magnitude-limited samples or 3.) the errors which are inherent to the adopted models, which cause most values of the Hubble Constant and corresponding estimates of the age of the Universe to be incorrect as explained in detail in the most comprehensive review which has yet been published, which also includes the Sandage teamâs most recent calculation of the Hubble Constant to date of 62.3 +orâ1.3, which is based on measurements to 279 galaxies: âThe expansion field: the value of the Hubble Constant,â by G.A Tammann, A. Sandage and B. Reindl, Astron Astrophys Rev (2008), 8 July 2008, 15:289-331, DOI 10.1007/s00159-800-9912-y.

This value of the Hubble Constant corresponds to an age of the Universe of approximately 13.7 billion years, which should be sufficient to permit the Big Crunch. However even this method of calculation of the Hubble Constant, which as exhaustively explained and documented by Allan Sandage et al, is fraught with potential errors cited above, which Sandage takes account of and systematically avoids. As mentioned above Wendy Freedman and Co. on the other hand use only Cepheid variable stars in their âcalculationsâ and deliberately include faulty (fraudulent) data in their calculations as explained to this writer personally by Allan Sandage, therefore making Freedman & Co.âs method of determination of the Hubble Constant even easier to falsify. Such data is systematically excluded by Sandage, et al., as explained above. In response to the withering but suppressed critique by Sandage et al, known primarily only to other astrophysicists who follow these matters, Freedman has published a slew of pathetic papers addressing such topics as âcorrection of errors involving optical extragalactic background light (EBL), sampling-induced errors, magnitude errors, and random and optimal sampling,â etc. where she always comes up with ridiculously high (fraudulent) values for the Hubble Constant. Fraudulent data was necessary for Freedman & Co. to reinvent the entirely fictitious so-called âdark energy,â Einsteinâs âCosmological Constant,â (âMy greatest blunder!â See below), which is declared to be âthe opposite of gravityâ and which has no scientific explanation whatsoever, but is falsely proffered as âthe reasonâ the capitalist dictatorship and its media (and textbook) propagandists now falsely state that the expansion of the Universe has unexplainably âspeeded up,â a âfindingâ which violates all previous findings not to mention all known rules of physics including the General Theory of Relativity! In other words this finding is totally invented, totally fabricated, a Big Lie to end all Big Lies! All designed to achieve the political-religious-propagandistic objective of a single âgenesis.â See below. Legitimate opposing viewpoints are simply ignored and in practice not permitted to be heard! How jolly!

Regarding the most recent results given above for the Hubble Constant, this writer would still prefer to accept Sandageâs previous calculation of 55 +or-5, which has been repeatedly established in papers from 1975, 1982, 1986, 1990 and 1995, although it may certainly be possible that the 62.3 +or-1.3 value is the most accurate and it is certainly can be argued that 55 +or-5 is not that far removed from the new figure. The reason for this caution is that Allan Sandage is now 82 years old and although he is 100% intellectually intact and in control of all of his faculties his name is listed second in the above paper indicating that he himself may not have collected the data used in the calculation giving 62.3 +or-1.3 for the Hubble Constant. This writer has not spoken or corresponded with the other members of his team, as this writer has, with Allan Sandage. Sandagesâs team also often includes A. Saha who was not included in the above paper, so this writer can not rule out alteration of the raw data to give a falsely high Hubble Constant by certain personnel who might be bribed by the NASA forces in charge of the Key Project, which was set up determined to achieve a certain result come hell or high water. This issue is important enough to the capitalist dictatorship so that they would leave no stone unturned to tweek the results in their direction for reasons explained further below. In addition, we are reminded that the Redshift of some quasars actually puts the age of the Universe at 28 billion years! See above. Because of this fact and previous calculations of the age of the oldest stars which are in a similar range, it can not be ruled out that the computer program used for collecting light data from stars from modern telescopes in the âKey Projectâ may have been written in such a way as to deliberately give false values in order to increase the Hubble Constant and thereby reduce the age of the Universe as calculated by the âstandard candlesâ method.

The U.S. so-called âintelligence communityâ organized the so-called âKey Projectâ in order to cover up the cyclic nature of the Universe from Big Bang to Big Crunch. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) was built primarily for the âKey Project.â This is an important point. The capitalist dictatorship chose Wendy Freedman to lead the project rather than the obvious choice, Allan Sandage, the legendary, most preeminent and world-renowned astrophysicist as well as the number one authority on the Hubble Constant along with his internationally renowned group of astrophysicist colleagues. See above. The reason was that Sandageâs studies up to that point had shown the Universe to be âbetween 14 and 18 billion years old, depending on what is assumed about the mass of the Universe.â This corresponds to a Hubble Constant, which he and colleagues had repeatedly calculated to be 55 +or-5 as cited above. An older age and smaller Hubble Constant, of course, would mean that the Universe contained easily enough matter to permit the Big Crunch, which is the key point the capitalist propagandists want to discredit because that would rule out a single creation and make the existence of a god, for which there is no scientific evidence whatsoever, even more unlikely! This is the actual statecraft behind the âKey Project.â (See further below.)

Freedmanâs initial claim that the Universe was only 8 billion years old was obviously fraudulent, as have been all of her subsequent âestimations.â All of Freedmanâs estimations of the age of the Universe and the Hubble Constant have been designed to try to fraudulently invalidate (!) the Big Bang, the Big Crunch especially and the cyclic nature of the Universe in particular. The preposterous claim of an 8 billion year age is a direct attack on the Big Bang, which has been verified worldwide. In her initial unrestrained enthusiasm to falsify and misinterpret her own data (see above) Freedman forgot about the 1.) Red shift discovered by Edwin Hubble (see below) and 2.) the detection of the cosmic microwave background radiation, which is the residual effect of the Big Bang both of which exist as irrefutable evidence for the Big Bang origin of the Universe! In January 2003 Freedman was made the Director of the Carnegie Observatories located in Pasadena, California where Allan Sandage works thereby placing her above him as a maneuver to make her fraudulent estimates of the Hubble Constant appear more authoritative in the public eye!

Note that even AFTER the 1965 discovery of the cosmic microwave background radiation by Penzias and Wilson and its confirmation by the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) satellite in 1989 that its measurement produced a curve precisely matching a Planck curve, which most scientists have accepted as proof that the radiation is indeed from the beginning of the universe, the capitalist dictatorship has still made efforts to continue to try to deny the existence of the Big Bang, even publishing books with 466 pages (!) attacking the Big Bang such as the 1991 rubbish: âThe Big Bang Never Happenedâ (!) by the totally discredited Eric Lerner. Anyone using simple inductive reasoning would immediately begin to smell a rat! Since the capitalist dictatorship and its media have not been able to refute the Big Bang they have now focused all their efforts in trying to refute the Big Crunch. The capitalist dictatorship has a long history of political meddling and sabotage in virtually all fields of scientific and medical research and a history of using scientific advances against the masses in order to control them and also to reduce the population according to their own perceived needs, e.g. from Bio-warfare to Bio-fuels (through enforced starvation, falsely portrayed as seeking âenergy independenceâ and âclean energy.â).

NASA Propagandists Have Now Concocted the Fraudulent âtheory of the
Big Ripâ In Order to Try to Counter the Reality of the Big Crunch and
The Information which Appears Here now Found All Over the Internet!

NASA in a new propaganda blitz using their standard Big Lie technique in order to try to refute the information, which appears here and all over the Internet, has pushed back hard with the totally discredited claims on the National Geographic Channel beginning in March 2009 that 1.) âdark matterâ forms a supposed âfilamentous superstructureâ of the universe from the very beginning of the Big Bang until the present 2.) the fictitious âdark energyâ will supposedly eventually âbecome so strongâ that it will overcome all 4 primary forces including the strong force, which holds quarks and gluons together to form protons, neutrons and other particles, so that that the entire Universe will then supposedly âfly apart ripping apart galaxies, stars, planets and eventually every speck of matter in a fantastical end to timeâ in what the fraudulent propagandist Robert Caldwell describes as âthe Big Rip.â This is also known as the theory of the flat universe. There is no âfilamentous superstructure of the universe held together by dark matter.â And phantasmagorical images of galactic superclusters do NOT prove the existence of a âfilamentous superstructureâ and are simply a photographic effect due to the enormous luminosity of such dense accumulations of stars. As mentioned above the great wall of galaxies is not due to a âdark matter superstructureâ but is simply due to the irregularities in the Big Bang explosion, which was not uniform as in any explosion. Such brainwash already appears in the astrophysics textbooks of the capitalist dictatorship! We recommend that it be exposed as a Big Lie whenever and wherever it is encountered.

The capitalist cosmologists/propagandists have demonstrated that they can not coherently reply to any of the arguments advanced in this Materialist Analysis of Theoretical Astrophysics except through contrived, feigned ignorance, information overload and MORE totally outrageous, bizarre Big Lies, which require a religious-like faith (in dark energy and dark matter, for example) to actually believe themâtheir overall objective in the first place as explained here. So do not be intimidated by the doctoral degrees which they award themselves or the exalted positions held by these above-mentioned frauds in order to try to legitimize their lies and to try to control and monopolize this field as they try to do with all others. These false propagandists/ âcosmologistsâ keep up a truly relentless barrage of lies in the major media and even physics journals and on TV with a never ending stream of phantasmagoric images blending and cascading one into another to try to help prove their scripted Big Lies, for example, the existence of âdark matter,â which they laughably claim is so dominant that it forms the âsuperstructure of the universeâ but which they supposedly have only been able to detect as âtwo tiny pulses of heat deposited over the course of two years...â New York Times, December 18, 2009, a frankly pathetic false âfindingâ which the article admits is âno proofâ but âtantalizingâ (?) an adjective carefully chosen to try to make it appear as if everyone were are all rooting to try to prove their Big Lie. The reality is that there is no âdark matter.â Claims on the National Geographic Discovery Channel and elsewhere in April-May 2010 that âgravitational lensing and cosmological expansion ratesâ have âconfirmedâ its existence are totally fabricated! Gravity, not dark matter, is responsible for ALL gravitational lensing and that is where it gets its name. And there is NO âlarge halo of unseen matter (an oxymoron!) extending beyond the visible stars.â But according to Michio Kaku & Co., âDark matter is in a struggle with dark energy and dark energy wins in the end in the Big Rip!â Not a WORD about gravity! And according to Michio Kaku and the NASA propagandists, eventually stars will all simply âblink out and the universe will be darkâ¦again!? The age of stars will be over!â Kaku just makes it up in a jumble as he goes along. Anything for his cause! What is his cause? See below.

It can also be predicted that the capitalist dictatorship will take over the science, if they have not already done so, of the new Large Hadron Collider, the worldâs largest and highest energy particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland, when it finally goes on line in order to try to continue to concoct the existence of âdark matterâ and âdark energyâ as well as the âHiggs Boson,â the so-called âgod particle,â which is reputed to be âthe particle which may impart mass to all other particles after the Big Bangâ. The Higgs Boson is a hypothetical massive scalar elementary particle predicted to exist by the Standard Model in particle physics. At present there are NO known elementary scalar particles in nature. There are numerous Higgsless models, which do not depend on the Higgs Boson or Higgs Field. The top contender presently is the Three-Site Higgsless model. Whether or not the Higgs Boson exists or does not exist, its importance has been completely overstated in any case, in order that in the event of its discovery the media may falsely claim to have âprovedâ the existence of âgod!â In any case, the Higgs Boson has absolutely nothing to do with âgodâ and no reputable physicist has ever made such a claim. The capitalist dictatorship is desperate and reeeediculous! So do not be intimidated by their Big Lies.

Through brazen false arguments and bizarre false analogies these phony âcosmologistsâ who control the airways and media, have even attempted to up the ante and generate maximum confusion by trying to brainwash people into believing that the laws of physics and theoretical astrophysics, such as the Laws of Quantum Mechanics, the Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity, etc. are ânot immutableâ and are in a process of âconstant evolutionâ supposedly like species of animals in Charles Darwinâs âThe Evolution of Species.â The laws of physical science are thus directly compared to the evolution of species of animals! Einstein therefore supposedly only has âtemporary relevanceâ giving virtually every kind of science fiction a basis in âreality.â (See: âBeyond Einstein,â Discover Magazine, April 2010). Einstein is also falsely quoted as believing in god: âlearning to read the laws of physics is like reading the mind of god.â See comprehensive section on Einstein.

The author of the Discover Magazine article moreover disingenuously announces: âphysicists should not spin any theories that require the existence of things such as multiverses, that cannot be disproved.â This carefully contrived statement implies that because âmultiverses,â etc. supposedly cannot be disproved these fraudsters do not have to actually PROVE any piece of science fiction currently being passed off as âscience.â They imply that is the duty of genuine theoretical physicists to disprove every false theory used to bombard the public domain by the misnamed, so-called âintelligence communityâ led by heavily hyped characters such as Michio Kaku. The Materialist Analysis of Theoretical Astrophysics disproves their primary concoctions and it is a rule of the Court that a witness caught in one lie in testimony does not merit any further credibility by the Jury. This is especially true in science where it is clear that, above all else, Kaku, & Co., are straining at the leash to inject confusion into basic physics and are forced to tell many lies in order to try to achieve their objectives. Their motives to create confusion are explained above. The title of the Discover Magazine article was incidentally borrowed from the very title of a 1987 book by âintelligence communityâ fraudster, Michio Kaku, wherein Kaku tried to popularize so-called âString Theory,â concocted in the effort to try to supplant Quantum Mechanics. See below. It should be noted that Kaku, who hides his specious, bogus so-called âBeyond Einstein science,â behind a phony slick, unctuously triumphal presentation, is equally at home passing off science fiction e.g. âparallel universes, time warps, time travel and the tenth dimensionâ as science as he is relentlessly fabricating false theories designed to compete with and supplant the natural laws of physics and to confuse as many people as possible behind a mantle of genuinely false knowledge. Based on only ONE non-cyclic Big Bang, Michio Kakuâs âString Theoryâ is thus a back door to Creationism! Michio Kaku now openly describes himself as a neo-creationist! See below.

There is no such thing as âDark Energyâ. And there was no âinflationary epochâ in the Big Bang, which supposedly âcaused the Universe to expand faster than the speed of light.â It did not! The so-called âTheory of Inflationâ which attempts to supplant entirely the standard model of the Big Bang with âdark energyâ AKA âvacuum energyâ is also a total fraud! (See below) Nor has the Universe suddenly increased its rate of expansion as falsely claimed by these frauds as supposed âproof of its existence.â Just the opposite! The rate of expansion of the Universe has continued to slow since the Big Bang! All previous observations have indicated that is the case! While the Red Shifts of the most distant galaxies do indicate they are receding much more rapidly than closer galaxies this is because their light originated closer to the time of the Big Bang when the expansion rate was greater, but that is not the situation today. It should therefore be noted that although we may be able to receive light from galaxies which started its journey near the beginning of star formation and galactic formation, that light does not portray the reality at this point in time of the galaxy which was the source of that light. The reality is that today most of the Universe is undoubtedly relatively uniform in its development today except where, for example, there are huge clouds of gas from super novae explosions or where there are huge accumulations of matter such as the Great Wall of galaxies, the latter of which formed due to the irregularities which occurred in the Big Bang just as in any other explosion. In other words the light from our own galaxy, the Milky Way, would appear to an observer from the most distant galaxies to be receding at the same rate that their light is receding from our own galaxy! This should be a no-brainer but is rarely if ever mentioned. The only viewpoint which is ever mentioned is from the Earth as if it were the center of creation. Which it is not!

By William H. Depperman (not verified) on 19 Aug 2010 #permalink

Part 2 of 3:
The Universe is not open! Just like the Earth itself the spatial curvature of the Universe is NOT FLAT! It is CLOSED. In reality there are no âmultiple universes,â which âpop out of Black Holesâ or by any other explanation. A Universe arises ONLY from a Big Bang! Although mass is infinite in a Black Hole (see above), Critical Mass does not exist! Critical Mass is attained only in the Final Singularity, when all matter in the Universe comes together in one spot in the Big Crunch prior to the Big Bang. The point when Critical Mass is reached is the point when a Big Bang occurs! See above. This is why the Large Hadron Collider cannot reproduce either the Big Bang or even a Black Hole. The reason for this is that even a Black Hole can form only when a Blue Giant star of sufficient mass collapses. This can not occur in the Large Hadron Collidor no matter how high the energies attained or how âlargeâ the collidor itself may be claimed to be!!

Stephen Hawkingâs claimed existence of âexploding miniature Black Holes,â which âpermit particles to leak outâ in a quantum processâ (!), eventually causing Black Holes to âEVAPORATEâ (!), due to the pretentiously designated, so-called: âHawking Evaporation,â or to âfinally explode entirelyâ is based on fraudulent âString Theoryâ related mathematics and is baseless nonsense. Note that so-called âHawking radiationâ has NEVER BEEN OBSERVED and is ENTIRELY FICTITIOUS! Hawkingâs wild claims were based on the fact that on a visit to the USSR in 1974 the Soviet physicist Alexander Starobinsky told Hawking that according to Heisenbergâs Uncertainty Principle, rotating black holes should create and emit particles. (!) Oh? But the truth is that in a Black Hole or âSingularityâ the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and ALL LAWS OF PHYSICS DO NOT APPLY and DO NOT EVEN EXIST! Starobinsky WOULD have known that fundamental fact and it cannot be ruled out that in the middle of the Cold War he may have recognized that Hawking was such a nut-job ego tripper that he would fall for virtually anything in order to make a big splash for himself in physics. And the question immediately arises, if Starobinsky really thought he had made such a profound discovery why didnât he come out with it himself? In any case there is no radiation whatsoever of any type emitted from any Black Hole itself! Nevertheless, such absurd and ridiculous claims are given credence in the media and given a heavy push on the phony âscienceâ TV shows mentioned above and on websites which permit NO COMMENT!

It was also announced on the highly discredited âNaked Scienceâ National Geographic (Discovery) Channel with NO PROOF WHATSOEVER and with no legitimate counter-arguments ever permitted, the totally bizarre claim that Michio Kakuâs âString Theoryâ is âthe best explanation of the origin of the Universe,â which it most certainly is NOT! On that program Hawking and âString Theoristsâ absurdly stated: âthe Big Bang occurred when gravity weakenedâ (!) because âafter the Big Bang gravity (supposedly) entered the 7 to 9 extra dimensions (in âString Theoryâ) and was weakened.â Duh! Such rubbish! (!) Finally, after presenting one concoction after another for almost an hour falsely dressed up as âscience,â the April 20, 2010 âNaked Scienceâ program (which is to be repeated!), apparently in a pathetic attempt to try to save face and keep some semblance of credibility among the growing majority of those who see through their lies, concluded with the unexpected disclaimer: âThere is only one catch! There is no proof for any of this!â Right! But since then there have been no more disclaimers of these relentlessly pushed Big Lies! Parenthesis added.

There is also no âtime travelâ in a practical sense either despite the phenomena of time dilation described in Einsteinâs Special Theory and gravitational time dilation described in Einsteinâs General Theory, which was actually confirmed in the Pound-Rebka experiment. And there are no âwormholes.â These fraudsters intone Einsteinâs name by falsely claiming that there are âtwo valid solutionsâ to the General Theory of Relativity which contain âwormholes.â This is a Big Lie! Neither âsolutionâ cited is actually valid! The first type falsely postulated, the âSchwarzchild wormhole,â which they also falsely designate with the label âEinstein-Rosen bridgesâ (!?), depends on a Black Hole, âwhich has no charge and no angular momentum!â But ALL Black Holes rotate and thus have angular momentum! (See above.) The second type, the so-called âtraversable wormholes,â would require the existence of âexotic (non-baryonic) matter,â which does NOT exist and which itself would violate energy conditions specified in the General Theory and would require changing space-time topology and would require regions of negative energy, which also do not actually exist in the known Universe. At best this is all mathematical imaginings of those who want to be âthe next Einstein.â Einstein himself realized that his later mathematical attempts to formulate a Grand Unified Theory were simply incorrect and were not leading in the right direction. In addition, there are no âstrings.â âString Theoryâ is a mathematical attempt to try to refute, compete with and supplant, NOT EXPLAIN, the Theory of Quantum Mechanics, the foundations of particle physics which were established during the first half of the twentieth century by Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Albert Einstein, etc.! See below for the most likely ready solution to the Grand Unified Theory.

On July 22, 2010 on the so-called âHistory Channelâ Michio Kaku brazenly also falsified the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle! That principle states simply that pairs of physical properties, such as position and momentum, cannot simultaneously be known to arbitrary precision. The more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be measured. In other words, the more you know the position of a particle, the less you can know about its velocity, and the more you know about the velocity of a particle, the less you can know about its instantaneous position. In his false presentation of âparallel universes,â which also involved countless other falsifications of basic physics, Kaku stated that Heisenberg stated that one particle can be in two positions simultaneously! Heisenberg never ever even suggested that!

Recent Findings Document that the Mass of the Universe
Increases as Matter Enters a Black Hole and the Final Singularity!
This Finding Totally Refutes Infinite Expansion of the Universe
And âString Theory!â The Fact That Neutrinos Have Mass Also
Provides Further Basis For the Big Crunch!â

The false claim that there is supposedly insufficient matter in the Universe to permit the Big Crunch to take place is entirely refuted by 2 discoveries. Perhaps even more significant than the work on neutrinos discussed below is the paper published on November 21, 2008 in Science. More than 99% of the visible mass of the Universe is made up of protons and neutrons. Recent calculations of the mass of the nucleus found that matter, which is composed of protons and neutrons, which are in turn are composed of quarks held together with gluons by the strong force, normally exists as 95% energy, according to the formula from Einsteinâs Special Theory of Relativity: E=mc2! This provides further confirmation for the Big Crunch! Why? The reason, not drawn as a conclusion by the authors of the paper, is that in a Black Hole and moreover in the final Black Hole, the âSingularity,â that relationship would be 100% reversed, with all matter existing in the form of mass: m=E/c2. The mass of the Universe would therefore increase according to these findings as matter enters a Black Hole as energy shifts to its mass equivalent! (Science, Vol. 322, 5905:1198-1199 and 1124-1127) Obviously this is the precise opposite of what occurs in a nuclear explosion where matter is converted entirely to energy according to the equation E=mc2. On the other hand such tidbit reports as âExcess Particles From Space may Hint at Dark Matter,â (Science, Vol. 322, 5905:1173) are only red herrings meant to titillate, to keep attention diverted away from focusing on key findings of genuine significance. There is no such thing as âdark matter.â

The discovery that neutrinos have mass also provides a further basis for the Big Crunch. This fact was first reported on July 1, 1998 by a collaboration of 120 U.S. and Japanese physicists at the Neutrino 98 meeting in Takayama, Japan and submitted to Physical Review Letters. (By Super-Kamiokande Collaboration (Y. Fukuda et al.) Phys.Rev.Lett.81:1562-1567,1998.) Neutrinos have sufficient weight to allow the Big Crunch! The experiment measured the differences in mass of the three types of neutrinos to be 0.1 eV or greater. The group reported that the simplest interpretation of the solar and atmospheric results is that the heaviest neutrino has a mass of 0.1 eV. However, they reported that since oscillations between the 3 types of neutrinos depend only on the differences in mass it is possible that the masses of all three neutrinos are fully 1 eV or greater, but that it is the mass differences which are much smaller. (They allow for the âpossibility.â How nice! They know that the majority of physicists do not simply automatically accept the interpretation which is first proffered.)

This makes the most sense and is of course suppressed for political reasons. (See below.) If the mass of the neutrino is 1 eV that would mean that neutrinos account for more mass in the Universe than all of the protons and neutrons put together easily supplying the supposed âmissing matterâ necessary for the Big Crunch. As mentioned the critical mass density required for the Big Crunch to occur is 1 x 10 to the negative 29th of a gram per cubic centimeter (approximately 5 hydrogen atoms per cubic meter), according to the calculation from the General Theory of Relativity. In addition, the fact that neutrinos have mass also provides the basis for the Grand Unified Theory which links the gravitational force described in the General Theory of Relativity with the strong and the weak forces and electromagnetism described in the Theory of Quantum Mechanics. Einstein struggled and failed to formulate this theory, but it has already been shown that at high enough energies electromagnetism and the weak force are the same force known as the electroweak force. It is theorized that if energies are increased even further and neutrinos acquire mass, which has now been fully documented, all the known forces will reduce to the same force thus providing the basis for the Grand Unified Theory. This high energy level existed only during the very early expansion of the Universe known as the Planck Epoch, which existed up to 10 to the negative 43rd seconds after the Big Bang, where the four fundamental forces â electromagnetism, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force and gravitation â all had the same strength. After that point the energy level decreased and gravity separated from the other 3 fundamental forces and with the condensation of matter into the elementary particles (quarks, leptons, and gauge bosons) formed the so-called Standard Model of todayâs Universe. These facts, while available, are de-emphasized by the capitalist dictatorship propaganda machine with the false claim that âno oneânot even Einsteinâhas been able formulate the Grand Unified Theory,â in order to try to open the door to fraudulent âstring theory.â The 1998 report that neutrinos have mass was blipped in the media and then neutrino research was de-funded worldwide and thereafter suppressed for a period of time. Wonder why?? It is time to employ some inductive reasoning, which is in fact scientific reasoning. (Note: in order to understand the relationship of the 4 primary forces which exist in the universe: the typical field strength of the strong nuclear force is 100 times the strength of the electromagnetic force, approximately 10 x13 times as great as that of the weak nuclear force, and about 10 x38 times that of gravitation.)

The Big Crunch will arrive on schedule and another Universe will begin! Einstein once said that a theory of the Universe should be both simple and elegant. Hawking sounds like a total jerk when he states that the Big Crunch is âtoo neatâ and he prefers the âBig Rip.â Whaaa? See below. Einstein would definitely be rolling over in his grave if he were made aware of todayâs totally contrived âscienceâ especially the attempt by these fakers to re-introduce his fudge factor, the so-called âcosmological constant,â which Einstein invented/fabricated to allow for a static solution to his equations and a static Universe, which he was later forced to admit was false after the discovery of the Redshift by Edwin Hubble, which occurs when light or any type of electromagnetic radiation from distant galaxies shifts toward longer wavelengths, the less energetic part of the spectrum, due to the Doppler effect. The Red Shift indicates that those galaxies are moving away from our galaxy, the Milky Way (and vice versa) and that the Universe is (still) expanding, while it is also simultaneously contracting on another level as explained. The Redshift in light from receding galaxies is proportional to their distance from Earth. That is Hubbleâs Law.

The false assumption of a static Universe had prevented Einstein from predicting that the Universe was expanding. Einstein admitted that the âcosmological constantâ was his âbiggest blunder.â In December 1930 Einstein went to Cal Tech on a visiting professorship where he worked with Edwin Hubble and reportedly also apologized for his error. In 1998 the U.S. so-called âintelligence community,â directed their fleet of fake âcosmologistsâ and some opportunist and duped astrophysicists to try to pass off Einsteinâs fraudulent cosmological constant as the entirely fictitious and admittedly totally unexplained so-called âdark energy,â (!) AKA âquintessence, â which is supposedly responsible for a claimed âspeeding up of the rate of expansion of the Universe,â which is NOT in fact actually occurring. This rubbish, as mentioned, has even been forced into advanced textbooks in astrophysics as supposed good coin. The reason for these wholesale falsifications of astrophysics is due to the capitalistsâ desperation to establish a false basis to claim that the Universe supposedly had a single creation and that it will expand infinitely rather than collapse once again in the Big Crunch completing another cycle in an infinite number. The U.S. governmentsâ fictitious position is deliberately designed to try to allow for the existence of a âgodâ as âthe creator.â

The reason that the capitalists have formed an alliance with religion is that the capitalists depend on religion, belief in god and the supernatural as important weapons of deception directed against the masses! This also helps explain the appearance of fraudulent so-called âstring theoryâ which falsely postulates multiple Universes, eleven dimensions, rather than the 4 dimensions which actually do measurably exist. Stephen Hawking, the ego-tripping, media-hyped âcosmologistâ is once again postulating supposed âwormholes from one Universe to anotherâ as well as supposed âwormholesâ from one end of our Universe to the other to permit time travel âfaster than the speed of lightâ (both of which are completely refuted by the Heisenbergâs Uncertainty Principle not to mention Einsteinâs Special Theory of Relativity!). While Hawking temporarily retreated on the issue of time travel on being so reminded before recently re-embracing what he fully knows to be total nonsense, Heisenberg and other obstacles and impossible paradoxes preventing time travel are also brazenly ignored by others who are professional police-agent propagandists fully committed to such Big Lies of confusion such as the New York Timesâ despicable Dennis Overbye and Nicholas Wade (Oy!), Brian Greene and the WBAI/CUNY huckster and self-described neo-creationist Michio Kaku, who claims to be an expert on everything, allowing him to cover up inter alia the documented fact that AIDS is Biowarfare by the U.S. Government Against Blacks and Gays primarily. Assuming the mantle of false authority, Kaku also tries to confuse his trusting, credulous, duped and even fawning listeners (including CCNY students!) on innumerable other issues. Kaku appears regularly on the BBC, Network TV âNewsâ and elsewhere to push the new âscientificâ fiction while steering false propaganda on astronomical events or physics research, the latter of which is largely controlled by the falsely labeled U.S. âintelligence community.â

Note that on June 10, 2010 on ABC World News with Diane Sawyer Stephen Hawking also openly defined himself as a new style neo-creationist similar to Obamaâs new head of NIH Francis Collins, and Michio Kaku (see below), providing false, specious Templeton foundation (see below) reasoning in order to make it appear possible to reconcile âgodâ and science, when he stated: "What could define God is thinking of God as the embodiment of the laws of nature.â (Demonstrating the reach and determination of the misnamed âintelligence community,â to brainwash the masses, this false message has even been plastered in NYC Subway cars!) Although Hawking tried to cover himself: "There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, [and] science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works,â all of Hawkingâs fraudulent âscienceâ and adherence to âString Theoryâ lead right back to the existence of âgodâ as explained herein. But there is NO proof of the existence of âgodâ and WHO MADE âGOD?â Man!

Despite Stephen Hawkingâs False Claims
Time Travel is NOT Possible!

Normally the topic of time travel would not be covered to this extent, but this issue must be considered at greater length because Stephen Hawking is a high profile celebrity balloon being foisted on an unsuspecting public and provided a TV and media stage to promote his total nonsense by the U.S. âintelligence community.â The media is using genuinely hypnotic, phantasmagorical, digitally enhanced false presentations by Hawking and others on the National Geographic TV Channel and other channels in order to distract from the central facts of theoretical astrophysics as presented herein and in order to try to keep the masses confused from every conceivable angle. Because of what amounts to a provocation, namely the recent onslaught of Big Lie âscienceâ bombarding the TV airways, it behooves this writer to further refute the lies being hawked by Stephen Hawking and his NASA cronies. Hawking falsely claims: âthere are wormholes everywhere in the 3 dimensional world and they exist also in the fourth dimension, where they exist at one billion trillionth trillionth of a centimeter! Trust me!â Right! Hawking tells us that âwormholes form in the so-called âquantum foam,ââ where supposedly he can avoid violating Heisenbergâs Uncertainty Principle and other laws and paradoxes which do not permit backwards time travel. See above. But Hawking cannot avoid the uncertainty principle and the paradoxes which prevent backwards âtime travelâ either by âwormholesâ or by any other means! And he knows it! âQuantum foamâ is supposedly a description of subatomic spacetime turbulence at extremely small distances of the order of the Planck length. At such small scales of time and space the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle supposedly allows particles and energy to briefly come into existence, and then annihilate, without violating the law of conservation of mass and energy! But then Hawking bizarrely claims: âscientists will eventually capture and ENLARGE a worm hole a trillion times to be large enough for a space shipâ¦to travel at 99% the speed of lightâ¦after 6 years in flight,â supposedly to get up speed. (See below.) A totally bizarre and ridiculous assertion in itself!

At the enlarged size we must assume then that the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and all Laws and paradoxes WILL once again apply and prevent backwards time travel Presto, no backward time travel for Stephen Hawking! Hawking is finally forced to concede that going backwards in time is not possible because cause and effect would be reversed, which is not possible. In addition to this most obvious paradox of causality, two other unresolvable problems in backward time travel exist: 1.) Traveling backwards in time would also violate the law that the mass-energy of the Universe must remain constant, within the limits of the uncertainty principle. For example, a person traveling backwards in time would increase the mass of the universe at that point, which is not possible. 2.) Traveling backward in time would also cause a decrease in the Universeâs entropy, which always increases at a nonnegative rate. Forward time travel on the other hand generates no paradoxes and is described by Special and General Relativity but is not practical in reality.

Forward time travel in a practical sense is also not really possible. Hawking, however, insists it is supposedly possible if in order to reach a speed close enough to the speed of light in order to achieve the objective, a rocket ship course is set for just a little off center of the Supermassive Black Hole at the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy (!?), or a course is set to travel around the Earth for 6 years finishing at 99% the speed of light (somehow), which would supposedly allow travel 100 years into the future. As noted previously, mass becomes infinite at the speed of light and even well before the half-way point is reached the increased MASS of Hawkingâs spaceship would indubitably prevent its further acceleration even if primitive rocketry were replaced by a UFO-type engine. Hawking describes his âspaceshipâ as âHUGE, because of all the FUEL it would have to carry,â (Think oil companies drilling into the future!) and is actually pictured as the typical cumbersome, multiple-defense-contract, primitive rocket powered NASA-inspired aerodynamically-ridiculous, Star Trek-type science fiction movie vehicle! Never even a mention of a nuclear powered flying saucer with the electromagnetic anti-gravity engine, which would be required for any interstellar voyages! All things considered it is time to wise up! Stephen Hawking is NOT a genius in any sense of the word. His false propaganda musings also demonstrate that his general knowledge and even his scientific knowledge outside of mathematics is actually very, very limited! We are left to fawn over such nonsense.

A Further Note on Michio Kaku:

It is a rule of statecraft that a government control and operate its own âopposition.â In the United States, the center of world capitalism-imperialism, the capitalist dictatorship controls the leadership of all supposed âleft,â âsocialistâ or âCommunistâ political groups and parties. In addition, the capitalists also control the leaderships of all conspiracy groups and single-issue groups where the solutions are always based on the number one Big Lie of capitalism, i.e. that capitalism can be reformed, which it cannot. Single-issue groups represent divide (and conquer) of various political issues/problems most of which are created or perpetuated by capitalism, none of which are properly connected and linked to the need for a Socialist Revolution in the United States. Kaku began his political career by being placed at the front of the single-issue Anti-Nuclear Movement. Kaku began his work in the âintelligence communityâ in the early 1960âs just out of high school as a mathematical whiz kid, by becoming a protégé of Edward Teller, the âfather of the Hydrogen Bombâ and the Neutron Bomb, the latter which is designed to kill people primarily while leaving property private property intact, the ultimate capitalist weapon.

A person or group is defined politically by what the person or group says and what it does not say and by what the person or group does and does not do. Unlike Stephen Hawking, Kakuâs words and actions, in addition to his history, clearly identify him as a political police agent provocateur. (See below.) Kaku worked with Teller at the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, which is directly connected to both the Los Alamos National Laboratory and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Kaku undoubtedly had top clearance from Edward Teller and moved freely between all three and has stated that at the time he was involved with developing the next stage of nuclear weapons research with Teller. Kaku claims that in the early 1980âs he gave up a career in nuclear weapons design and was âattracted to the peace movement and anti-nuclear movementâ supposedly âbecause of Pacifica radio programsâ he heard in the 1960âs. Oy! Right! I donât believe you!

The truth is that the U.S. âintelligence communityâ needed a young loyal, glib, supposedly âanti-nuclearâ authority figure as a counter-insurgent (political police agent) to help keep the Anti-Nuclear Movement anti-Communist and help lead it to defeat and recruited Kaku, undoubtedly with Tellerâs recommendation, immediately putting him in front of the demonstrations at Columbia University against the Triga Reactor on campus in the wake of the Three-Mile Island meltdown, his debut attended by this writer at that first demonstration. (When the U.S. Department of Energy converted the fuel in Triga reactors from uranium zirconium hydride to low-enriched uranium a meltdown became possible at the university setting, which had been virtually impossible previously.) Note also that there is an apparent difference between Michio Kaku and Stephen Hawking: Though their positions more or less coincide, Hawking is apparently motivated by personal aggrandizement and his desire to be awarded a Nobel Prize (for what Stephenâ¦for COOPERATING?), while the media, an arm of the âintelligence communityâ provides maximum exposure to all of his fantastical, reactionary and genuinely unscientific theories/imaginings, in multiple full-hour TV shows on the âDiscovery Channel,â for example. Michio Kaku also heads up the same full-hour TV shows but his reactionary political role on the other hand more easily identifies him as a highly motivated political police agent, whose background and objectives are explained above. They both play a negative role.

Almost immediately Kaku sold out his supposed anti-nuclear âcredentialsâ by writing a 1982 book with the title âNuclear Power: Both Sides,â (!) which presented arguments against nuclear power followed by false âargumentsâ for nuclear power in order to keep the option of nuclear power viable! The book does NOT emphasize the BOTTOM LINE OF NUCLEAR POWER UP FRONT,: namely that nuclear power produces permanently non-disposable nuclear waste which will eventually get back into the environment through ground water, etc! Nuclear waste can NEVER EVER be disposed of! Period! Thus, there can be NO VIABLE HONEST PRO-NUCLEAR POSITION! This is what Kaku soft peddles! On February 4, 2010 Obama, by Bush-style executive decree, ordered that a new nuclear reactors should be built using $54 billion of stimulus money under the Big Lie false claim that nuclear power, which produces the dirtiest, most dangerous and totally non-disposable nuclear waste, was now supposedly âclean energy.â (!) While the U.S. government-led âAnti-Nuclear Movementâ remained silent! By executive decree Obama also ordered stimulus money to fund (non-existent) âclean coalâ and drilling for oil off the U.S. coastline which has destroyed all marine life and completely polluted the nations beaches as the capitalist dictatorship has already done in the Gulf of Mexico! Demonstrating that the capitalist dictatorship has NO intention whatsoever of trying to reverse Global Warming its response has been to continue and intensify the drilling and mining for all fossil fuels, which is the reason for Global Warming has occurred in the first place!

It should also be noted that Kaku was trained in the infantry and was all set to be deployed to Viet Nam just âwhen the war endedâ in 1975, while his fellow inductees were sitting down on the wharfs in San Francisco and refusing to even get into the troop ships while a MUTINY broke out in Vietnam, which forced the total evacuation of all U.S. forces within days and hours, while our little patriot Kaku was all raring and ready to go and fight those dastardly Communists in Viet Nam. Anti-Communism remains Kakuâs primary political motivation. Kaku hides the fact that a million-strong Communist movement in the United States was the only thing which forced FDR to formulate the New Deal Social Programs, which the capitalist dictatorship under Obama is now trying to abolish in practice. In order to begin to abolish the function of Social Security, i.e. to keep older people alive, one of the first things Obama did was to terminate permanently for all practical purposes the Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) for Social Security on April 22, 2009, while previously forcing banks to accept $4.7 Trillion (!) for âbank bailoutsâ in order to divert that money from social programs, which is the same objective of Reagan/Bush /Obama Supply Side Trickle Down, Tax-Cut Economics. Pretending to âspar with the Republicans over how to revive the ailing economyâ is designed to provide Obama âleftâ cover while hiding the fact that the only âsolutionâ discussed, SUPPLY-SIDE ECONOMICS, was designed as a trick to divert money from social spending. See: âThe Triumph of Politics: Why the Reagan Revolution Failedâ by David Stockman, Reaganâs Economic Czar. Keynesian solutions used by FDR during the New Deal and WWII, which create large-scale public jobs programs stimulate DEMAND, the engine of any economy, the only solution to the present Depression, are not mentioned.

On July 5, 2010 on BBC TV Kaku totally exposed himself as a neo-creationist similar to Francis Collins Obamaâs new head of the NIH (see below) and Stephen Hawking! Kaku let his political-religious motives all hang out in a response to a BBC report about the Plank Telescope. Kaku falsely claimed that Plank maps showed âthe speed of light was exceeded in the Big Bang explosion due to dark energy,â which would violate the Special Theory of Relativity and is a total lie (see above), then claimed that the Planck Telescope will be looking for evidence of âworm holes,â âmultiversesâ and âspace time foamâ (AKA âQuantum Foamâ) now heavily pushed by the discredited Stephen Hawking, NASA and Kaku in an attempt to supplant quantum mechanics with String Theory. Although he tried to cover himself saying: âthis is all controversial,â Kaku openly identified himself as a neo-creationist: âWe want to find the explanation for the creation, the Genesis, of the Universe.â But the origin of matter is an unknowable! (See below.)

The misnamed, so-called âintelligence communityâ of the U.S.-led World Dictatorship of Millionaires and Billionaires is using Michio Kaku, his NASA cronies and apparently Stephen Hawking to try to take over physics and science from the inside and âthe topâ and make neo-creationism the default belief taught in physics and science courses in the schools, colleges and universities. In addition to trying to supplant Relativity and Quantum Mechanics the dictatorship is also attempting to supplant the Standard Model of the Theory of the Big Bang with the magically fraudulent, so-called âTheory of Inflation,â or âinflationary epoch,â which falsely depends on properties of elementary particles not accounted for in the standard big bang models, plus fictitious âdark energy.â Supposedly about 10-35 seconds after the Big Bang âdark energy,â which they interchangeably label âvacuum energy,â suddenly appeared from nowhere and as a consequence of this âvacuum energyâ gravitation supposedly became ârepulsive for a period of about 10-32 seconds.â (!) During this period the Universe supposedly expanded from a volume that was only a few centimeters across (!) increasing its size scale by about a factor of 1050. (!) Totally ridiculous! There was NO sudden âinflation of the time-space continuum!â The purpose of this attempt to inject âdark energy sudden expansionâ is to promote magical and superstitious religious beliefânot scienceâand to fraudulently reduce the actual Age of the Universe in accordance with the objective of the so-called âKey Projectâ to try to refute the Big Crunch and Cyclic Nature of the Universe. (See below.)

The Standard Model of the Big Bang is based on detailed estimations of temperature change, energy density and thermal equilibrium, statistical mechanics, quantum mechanics and relativity. Not violations of Relativity! The Standard Model of the Big Bang describes a sudden explosion/expansion during the first 3 minutes when matter was dominant but where elementary particles inter-converted with radiation according to Einsteinâs Special Theory of Relativity: E=mc2. That explosion/expansion continued during a period where radiation dominated, which lasted for 700,000 years, or âabsolute time units,â during which the Universe was opaque. When the temperature fell from 100 million degrees Centigrade to 3,000 degrees Kelvin matter again became dominant and the Universe first became transparent to radiation. Actual star formation probably could not have begun before about 1 billion years. The reality is that the Big Bang could at no time have proceeded faster than the speed of light! See: âThe First Three Minutesâ Steven Weinberg 1977, Basic Books, New York. But even Weinberg considers âGenesisâ to be an important issue and moreover displays virtually no knowledge or understanding of Black Holes supposedly and provides a false description of the Big Crunch, an explanation which he strongly discourages, and where Black Holes receive no mention whatever and presumably play no part. (!)

Apparently in reaction to having Michio Kaku & Co. exposed all over the Internet as a falsifier of basic theoretical astrophysics, etc., the misnamed âintelligence communityâ has given Kaku a huge media pump and put him front and center on U.S. government network news programs, where Kaku has made the brazen assertion that the Large Hadron Collider will âprove the existence of string theory and parallel universesâ! Then on July 22, 2010, Kaku and his retinue on the âHistory Channel,â promising to âboggle your mindâ (!) pulled out all the stops going for broke and coming on like exultant gangbusters, intensified their push of fraudulent âstring theoryâ and now âmembrane theoryâ (!) and their denial of Relativity (Special Theory and General Theory) and Heisenberg.

The Truth About Unidentified Flying Objects
UFOs (Flying Saucers) and Extraterrestrial Life:

At the risk of sensationalizing the Materialist Analysis of Theoretical Astrophysics this writer and many colleagues believe that is important to respond to and put into proper perspective the U.S. Governmentâs official position on: 1.) UFOs, and 2.) Extraterrestrial life, 3.) The consistently hostile portrayal of both by the media/entertainment industry, which is simply an arm of the U.S. Governmentâs dishonestly labeled brainwash operation known as the âintelligence community.â (See above.) This includes the most recent attack on âaliensâ by Stephen Hawking, who is increasingly discredited among scientists but still heavily hyped by the capitalist dictatorship as he becomes more bizarre in his pronouncements, for reasons explained above. First of all, it is important to restate one of the fundamental Rules of Statecraft, namely that a government control and operate its own âopposition.â Within the capitalist dictatorship this applies not only to political parties and organizations as explained above but also to virtually every important issue and of course includes the hot topic of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. Note that despite an enormous effort to deny it the June 8, 1908 Tunguska explosion in Siberia was a nuclear explosion equal to 30 million tons of TNT and is further proof of the existence of UFOs. In addition, the cylindrical fireball made 2 right-angle turns and exploded at between 2 to 3 miles altitude, and at ground zero left fused particles of magnetite, germanium (used in semiconductors) and silicate globules with traces of copper (possibly from wire), cobalt and nickel, not present in meteorites or comets. Ground zero precisely resembled ground zero at Hiroshima. In addition, the enormous heat of the explosion melted the permafrost in the Taiga and created several small lakes. There was NO loss of life in the explosion apparently because those in the flying saucer knew the area was uninhabited. See the deliberately obscurely entitled âThe Fire Came Byâ by Baxter and Atkins, Doubleday 1976. At 5:11 PM on December 9, 1997 over the uninhabited southern tip of Greenland another âfireball,â a nuclear powered UFO, exploded at about the same height as in Tunguska and was âso bright as to turn night into day at a distance of 60 miles, and can be compared to the light of a nuclear explosion in the atmosphere.â New York Times, December 19, 1997, Page A17.

It is a fact that ever since the film âThe Day The Earth Stood Stillâ appeared in 1951 starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal and Sam Jaffe, where UFOs and alien life are portrayed favorably (see below), all portrayals by the capitalist dictatorship of alien life have been hostile and/or maximally dishonest. The reason is that the overwhelming majority of people on this planet already believe that UFOs exist and many have seen flying saucers themselves. But the U.S.-led world capitalist dictatorship will NEVER EVER officially acknowledge the presence of UFOs and will always deny their existence because by so doing they would be openly admitting that the present âcivilizationâ on Earth is a low-level inferior civilization, which more advanced civilizations REFUSE TO MAKE ANY OFFICIAL CONTACT WITH! Acknowledging the existence of UFOs (flying saucers) would immediately also raise that crucial question of WHY the more advanced civilizations, which have solved the problem of space travel between stars, do NOT contact the governments of Earth. The reason is elementary and it is fundamental.

The Rule of Advanced Civilizations Never to Contact Lower Civilizations:

It is obviously a Rule of Advanced Civilizations never to make direct or official contact with a lower civilization defined as 1.) A civilization which has not advanced to World Socialism, which is the only way to permanently abolish the basis of all war on that planet as well as all threats to visiting civilizations and 2.) A civilization that officially denies the existence of UFOs and simultaneously expresses NOTHING but hatred, fear and hostility directed at UFOs and extraterrestrial life in its âpopular culture,â e.g. films. 3.) A civilization which has not developed the nuclear powered electromagnetic anti-gravity engine which is used to power travel between stars. Obviously no advanced civilization which has visited Earth would even dream of making official contact with such a civilization which now fulfills ALL of the above criteria and represents nothing but potential danger to them. Such an advanced civilization could never share ANY scientific information with such a lower civilization, such as the mechanism of the electromagnetic anti-gravity engine because lower civilizations, which have not reached the stage of World Socialism are fundamentally based on war, mass murder, crime and subjugation to steal new resources and new markets to increase private profits, and would immediately turn around and attack the advanced civilization. This is a no-brainer and we have to give the advanced civilization credit for some brains. The government uses âAlien abductionâ claims to discredit UFO reports in general but they may have some truth.

The United States government and other governments control virtually all information on UFOs. This includes virtually the entire Internet! With one exception observed by this writer, it is noteworthy that in this age of super high quality cell phone cameras with video capabilities, that there is NOT even one good photograph or video of a UFO publicly available. The exception was a short video, which appeared on RT Russian Television in the United States suddenly at the end of a news broadcast approximately 2 years ago and was BLIPPED one time only. The very clear video was of a UFO from a very short distance of no more than about 50 yards. There was no mistaking what it was and RT Russian Television provided no commentary. The Russian Federation was obviously tweaking their U.S. âpartnersâ and naturally there was no comment by the U.S.

It is absolutely certain that all UFOs come from within out own galaxy because the nearest other galaxy is Andromeda, which is 2,500,000 light years away, a distance so great that it would completely rule out intergalactic travel. The descriptions of the extraterrestrials from the July 1947 Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash describe very thin humanlike individuals somewhat smaller than humans with bilateral symmetry and large heads. Other reports concur with this description. The reason that they are so thin is due to calcium loss from the bones over generations of space travel. These advanced civilizations undoubtedly also use suspended animation during their very long interstellar journeys and/or employ in vivo telomerase to permanently halt all aging. Evolution rules out entirely the fantastical forms of extraterrestrial life imagined by Stephen Hawking apparently inspired by other U.S. government-approved science fiction writers, including those who were responsible for the film âIndependence Day,â etc. See below. Such increasingly crazed statements by people such as Stephen Hawking are thus also a direct attack on Evolution. Regarding speed of interstellar travel: mass becomes infinite as one approaches the speed of light. This would limit in a very practical sense the speed of interstellar travel to perhaps half the speed of light at most if that. That is still very fast and their actual velocity is probably much less actually. Those who set out on such missions from other planets know that they will never return because the distances are so vast. They are comparable to Lewis and Clark type exploratory expeditions. They would make their reports over the years, which would travel at the speed of light but would still take a long time to reach home.

Any and all supposed threats to âinvade Earth,â âdrain its resourcesâ and/or âcolonize Earthâ are entirely false and fictitious. The movie âIndependence Dayâ was made to refurbish U.S. patriotism/jingoism and incite hatred of all âaliensâ and most certainly does not concur with the descriptions in all previous reports of UFOs and of extraterrestrial life dating back for millennia. Note that even the Back to Africa Movement of Marcus Garvey could never have been accomplished because of the huge increase in the number of Black people in the U.S. since the advent of slavery. Colonizing and taking over an inhabited planet is thus sheer total nonsense. The âattemptsâ by NASA, etc. to âlaunch space probes to contact aliensâ are just going through the motions and are just another denial of the fact that UFOs have been documented to have visited the Earth for millennia according to primitive drawings on the walls of caves and later depictions in other societies. No advanced civilization would want to advertise its presence to lower civilizations because of the threat described above, so even the giant Arecibo Radiotelescope in Puerto Rico is unlikely to detect presence of advanced âaliens.â

The capitalist dictatorship uses every conceivable thing possible, even the threat of future invasions of aliens or rogue asteroids to try to generate the MASS PSYCHOLOGY OF CRISIS, which causes the masses to rally around and increase trust in the government no matter how oppressive and irresponsible it is, with the expectation that it will protect them. Incidentally, the strategy to divert even rather large asteroids has already been worked out in detail but is rarely mentioned in order to maintain as much fear and foreboding as possible, and simply involves detonating a nuclear device to the side of the asteroid, not on it, in order to divert it, not shatter it into multiple pieces, which would otherwise all be directed at Earth. Note that the so-called âWar on Terrorâ is also designed to generate the Mass Psychology of Crisis in providing the pretext to maintain capitalism in its Final Stage of Permanent War and State Terrorism. If Islamic Fundamentalism did not exist it would have to be invented, because it is perfect for organizing and manipulating Mass Provocations as the pretext for the so-called War on Terror. Under Islam the only solution to U.S. aggression is a bomb NEVER Socialism. (See below)

By William H. Depperman (not verified) on 19 Aug 2010 #permalink

I am shocked and amazed.

I had no idea that we could make comments that long on ScienceBlogs.

By Craig Heinke (not verified) on 21 Aug 2010 #permalink