Inspired by Iceland

Inspired by Iceland wants you to know Iceland is bursting with energy!

Yes, it really is, and often in a good way.

Today is a social networking blitz to promote Iceland as a destination, since all ya scaredy cat potential tourists are suddenly deciding not to go there so much any more...

What, you're scared by an itsy bitsy little volcano?
Think of it this way: at least in Iceland we have an alert and prepared civil defence authority who know what they are doing and would keep you safer than most any place else in the northern hemisphere.
We like to think.

Anyhow, the promo video is beautifully produced, and I am constitutionally obliged to share it.

Inspired by Iceland Video from Inspired By Iceland on Vimeo.

Technically it may not be entirely safe for work - for some reason it emphasized skinny dipping in natural hot springs - but, really, if your employer is that bothered maybe you should consider a new job.

Web site has lots more pretty pictures, videos, suggestions and "I miss Iceland" stories.
Go browse.

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