10 Weird Things About... Meme

As if being obsessed with chaos is not enough, I'm being prodded to list weird things about myself. The "10 Weird Things" meme* is floating around ScienceBlogs right now. I thought of taking an odd approach, but that would probably require listing "10 Normal Things" about myself... and I'm just not sure that's possible. So here we go. Just off the top of my head:

i-398b6bdd625fb20091e1aa769e6495a5-hats.jpg1. I'm a woman of many hats. I have more than a dozen, at last count.

2. When I'm in the mood for trashy romance novels, I read Tolstoy. That Anna Karenina... what a bimbo.

3. I got carpel tunnel syndrome from a severe SimCity habit. Whenever Spore (an evolution-based game by the same creator) is released, I'm expecting a relapse.

4. I like the appetizer more than the dessert.

5. I have a big screen HDTV, but I rarely watch it.

6. Exactly half of my fiction novels are written by authors whose last name begins with an A, B, or C.

7. I'm listening to Gilbert and Sullivan operettas as I write this.

8. My "teddy bear" was a frog. I still have him. His name is "Frog".

9. My favorite color is green. Of course, while weird, that's probably as obvious as my obsession with chaos.

i-b8deac848d2182fd4542c399f86e2b49-shorthair.jpg10. Going back to the top of my head, I swore for the last 10 years that I'd let my hair grow long forever. Then, last week, I cut it short.

I like it.

There you have it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm a little weirded out with myself right now.

Note: (*)Janet started it.

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Nice list Karmen. I remember seeing your wide array of hats as seasons went by. I'm not going through a knit hat and scarf stage in my knitting.....kitty hat is already done and swipped by sister dear.

Nice haircut too ^^

Thanks for the comment Steve. I actually wrote in a comment here a few weeks ago asking what was happening with this blog after the announcement that O'Reilly was dropping the Digital Media division. It's really refreshing to get an honest comment on what's happening. I really hope the blog picks up again.

Strange, they look correct to me. I checked in a few different browsers. It sounds like there is some sort of database error that is misdisplaying for only some readers. Weird, and worth checking out. (I sort of like the idea of being able to suggest Dave was the one who typed "condiments" instead of "continents")