Who Will Die in Harry Potter #7?

Lance speculates.

I was correct when I made the similar prediction for Volume 6, but I am out of my league now. Perhaps I'll have to do some more thinking on the topic....


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Wow. He's way better at that kind of analysis than I am.

Personally I suspect Rowling will keep the Harry Potter series going well into Harry's mid-50s whereupon he becomes Prime Minister of Britain just in time to meet a lonely, mysterious traveler who mucks about in an archaic blue Police box. The two team up to fight off Voldemort's latest incarnation as a cyborg that looks remarkably like a salt shaker and save the Earth once again.

I could be wrong. :-)

I still haven't read Half-Blood Prince yet. It's even out in libraries. But judging by a past 100% survival rate of Hermoine, Ron, Harry, and Voldemort, I'll predict that these guys make it through another tome... ;)

Rowling has said that after Harry, she might write a Harry dictionary. I believe it. It took some 17 years between getting the ideas together and starting the first book. There's a good chance that she doesn't have a new idea yet. IMO, Tolkien didn't have a sufficient set of good ideas before starting the Silmarilian. I'm pretty sure Tolkien would not have published it as it came out. I don't think Rowling will start until she's finished.

On the other hand, Rowling very well may have enough ideas in her file cabinets for another series, even if she doesn't know it.

Who is the book seven Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher? Let's take a look at the track record so far.

Quirrel. Voldemort co-inhabited his body. Voldemort fled. Quirrel died. Harry killed Quirrel. When Hermione exclaims to Harry (in book 3), "Harry, you attacked a teacher", i was thinking that Harry could reply, "Yeah, but at least I didn't kill him".

Lockheart. Brainless. You could make the claim that Ron did him in.

Lupin. Gone in disgrace, but at least he survived.

Moody. Barty Crouch Jr died in the book, kill on Fudge's order. Alistor lives on, though he doesn't think of himself as the teacher.

Umbridge. Broken, but back at the Ministry more or less as if nothing happened. In many ways, Harry was the effective DATDAT. But the DA disbanded after all. So Harry didn't teach more than a year either. Aside: Harry saw Quirrel snuff it. So he should have seen the thestrals starting in year 3, at least.

Snape. Gone to play with Voldemort.

If there is a 7th year at Hogwarts, it could easily be a new character. All the others had been. But there might not be a 7th year. Harry said he wouldn't go back. It's very hard to imagine Hermione saying she'll skip school to help Harry out. She might. Ron will.

I presume by what your talking about she said that someone will die in Harry Pootter 7, and since it should be last book (isn't it?) then would you not think it will be Lord Voldemort?! Infact something bad will probably happen to snape and Draco Malfoy, the other 'death eaters' wont neccesary be killed but the will scarper when Voldie dies

I must add just that I realy can't wait for the 7th book, It took me an age to get round to read the 6th, but then it was so exciting when i did, it just left me dieing to find out what happens in the 7th year (although didnt Hemione and Ron and Harry say they werent going back coz they were going to find all the horcruxes and then kill voldemort)

I hope he doesn't but I think Harry is going to die. I think Trewlany will have been right along in prediciting his early death. But I really hope not....even though it's just a silly book. The best damn silly book in the world though.

i think theres aconnection between voldemort and harry so i think harry and voldemort are going to die, even though i really hope harry isnt going to die.