Obligatory Readings of the Day

Sara Robinson on Orcinus: Cracks In The Wall, Part I: Defining the Authoritarian Personality

Amanda: Sometimes a cigar is just an arbitrary social custom and You might not be trailer trash if you think Jeff Foxworthy is funny

Lance Mannion: A joy forever


Mr. WD: Violence and Beauty

Tekanji on Alas, A Blog: Modesty and raunch culture: two sides of the same sex-negative coin and Ampersand on the same spot: Beyond Marriage

Berube: Leftover business V

Neil: You're Invited to Our Party! Bring Friends!


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In Jeebus can't see through the walls of the Ramada, Amanda adds some excellent commentary on my guest-post over on Echidne. I know I have already linked to Cracks In The Wall, Part I: Defining the Authoritarian Personality yesterday, but here it is again if you missed it, especially now that…
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Today's multiple choice quiz:

How far would all the liquids and gels confiscated by TSA during the recent security crackdown at the nation's airports reach if the individual containers had been laid end-to-end?

A. From Earth to the moon and halfway back again
B. From New York City to Omaha
C. From New York City to Washington, D.C.

Find the answer at Where did all the stuff go?