80 more visits...

...and John will get his birthday wish fulfilled....


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These are the birthday wishes for PZ, indexed in the order I received them; Dan Rhoades made a cephalopod cartoon GrrlScientist sends a scientific paper Sean Carrol read PZ's horrorscope John Wilkins published a song Richard Dawkins wrote a poem Afarensis with the state invertebrate of Missouri…
Today marks the 25th anniversary of my birth, and even though this particular day isn't especially extraordinary I figured that I should at least write a few thoughts about hitting the quarter century mark. As regular readers know, I've been a bit frustrated with my academic career up to this…
Rumor has it that it is John Wilkins' eleventeenth birthday. He's on the other side of the planet, though, where it's tomorrow already, so I'm not sure if his birthday was yesterday which is today or tomorrow which might be today or what. Go wish him a happy celebration anyway and tell him to…
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Erin Happy Birthday to you! ...and many more!...

We made it! Thanks to you're pushing while I was out looking at rocks (story to come), at 9:37 PM Pacific time someone from UC, Irvine was my 75 thousandth visitor. As it is eleven o'clock on my birthday, I'm not sober enough to say more. I'll be back tomorrow.

Thanks. You are the best!