Fire on Facebook

Since I do have a Facebook account and get updates, as I am interested in social software and how it is used by the next generation (including our students), I've been following this over the past couple of days: Inside the Backlash Against Facebook. People are furious with the new intrusive NewsFeed that tells you, minute by minute, every time one of your 'friends' sneezes (or worse). It cannot be switched off. Also, their Note blogging platform does not work - it updates every day or two instead of immediately and has no RSS Feed (well, the Facebook editors' blog also has no feed, go figure!). What do you think?

More info:
Blogosphere Reacts to Facebook Feeds
Facebook Subscribers Protest Site's News Feeds
Digg: Facebook Redesign Angers Students Over Invaded Privacy
Facebook Faces Backlash
New Facebook Redesign More Than Aesthetic
Facebook Redesign Angers Students Over Invaded Privacy
Facebook loses face over force-fed updates
A Day Without Facebook
Wikipedia: Facebook
Facebook backlash


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Coturnix: I believe there is a way to remove your information from the feed. Go to "My Privacy" then go down to "everyone," click "edit settings" and uncheck the "Facebook Development Platform" box. I've been told this will opt you out.

By ThePolynomial (not verified) on 06 Sep 2006 #permalink

I am not so worried about myself - my profile is minimalistic and I never modify it, and only visible to friends (almost all of whom are from former Yugoslavia). But I am very interested in the social dynamics of this event and how people are responding.

Yeah, Facebook just got creepy. I logged in and saw all my friends' activities on the front page... and even tho I hardly go on there, I just don't want to know all those details and vice versa. It is kinda creepy the level of detail you get. "So and so" added "band name" on "date". JEEZ.

Eh, it is Facebook. There are better ones out there. I use it so people can find me. College students have Facebook and Myspace. I honestly think they both are crappy for a blog/profile. However, it is good to go with the masses sometimes.

As if it wasn't addictive and stalkerish enough, now you can know when your friends update their favorite TV shows, interests, or anything else. The new news feed is a little too intrusive for my taste.