Triangle Science Blogging Conference

You can help spread the word about the 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference by using this logo:
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A science (and medicine) blogging conference, the first of its kind, is now officially announced for January 20th 2007. What can you do? 1. First, go to the conference wiki and look around to see what it is all about. 2. Help to spread the word by blogging about it. If you do, you can use these…
If you decide to post about the 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference please tag your posts with this Technorati Tag: sciencebloggingconference
The 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference will be a day-long conference Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a free, open and public event for bloggers, scientists, science educators and anyone interested in discussing science on the Internet. The conference is organized…
As you are probably aware, behind the scenes we are busily working on the organization of the 2nd Science Blogging Conference. The wiki is almost all set up - all that is missing are maps and information about travel, directions, etc. (and the dinner wiki) which will be there by the end of August…