BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: The 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference

The 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference will be a day-long conference Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a free, open and public event for bloggers, scientists, science educators and anyone interested in discussing science on the Internet.

The conference is organized by Anton Zuiker, Brian Russell, Paul Jones and myself (you may remember I have been pushing for something like this for a while now).

You can get all the information on the conference wiki, where you can also register for free.

For all the news and developments, check out the Blogtogether blog.

Update: While the main goal of this conference is to infect the local science community with the blogging virus, the meeting is most certainly not going to be of only local interest. We have already received inquires (and even registrations) from bloggers, scientists, educators, librarians, journalists and science writers from Cleveland, Madison, Toronto and elsewhere (including some of the Seed ScienceBloggers). If you can come, please do. More the merrier.

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Bah. You picked the day of my sister's wedding on the west coast...

Looks like it would be very interesting, though.

Darn. Well, a lot of factors went into picking the final date - it's not that I chose it out of thin air. Come to one of the Chapel Hill blogger meetups soon.

I think that I will try and make it out soon. I have fallen off on my blog posting since school started, but I am going to make an effort to get back on and more involved.

Good looking website.

One suggestion -- talk to one of the local hospitals or medical schools and have them designate at least part of it as eligible for AMA credit (you can charge for this).