
Change of Shift #9 is up on Emergiblog.

Carnival of Homeschooling 42: The Answer to Everything is up on HomeschoolHacks

Archy needs submissions for the Carnival of Bad History.

Daniel Collins needs submissions for Panta Rei - the carnival of Heat and Flow.


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There is a second physics carnival being launched! The first one is monthly Panta Rei (the 3rd edition will be on September 28rd), focusing on heat and flow. The new one is called Philosophia Naturalis, with a broader theme of everything to deal with physical science and technology, and the…
The third edition of Panta Rei, the physics blog carnival focusing on heat and flow, is up on Nonoscience.
Panta Rei #5 - Chemical Sciences - is up on Nonoscience. Next edition is a Life Sciences special, planned for May 28, 2007 also at Nonoscience. Carnival of the Godless #66 is up on The Atheist Experience. Oekologie #5 - last call for submissions for tomorrow's edition on The Voltage Gate. The next…
I And The Bird is not the only carnival coming soon. You should also send your submissions to Panta Rei, Mendel's Garden, Encephalon, Circus of the Spineless, Festival of the Trees, Oekologie and Gene Genie very soon...