Friendly Neighbor

This neighborhood tomcat is very friendly and sometimes comes by to say Hello to our cats and the dog.


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Awwwwwwwwwwwww, what a sweet face!

Is it just me, or are a greater-than-average percentage of scientists cat people?

By anomalous4 (not verified) on 13 Dec 2006 #permalink

Well, we are animal people. I am a bird person and a horse person and a cat person and a dog person and, even, lo and behold, don't tell Phil Plait, a cephalopod person!

He's so sweet. I adopted a little tomcat (now neutered) that was a neighborhood feral, and he's turned into a lovely sweet cat.

He has the same kind of "presence" and sweet expression, and everyone who sees him says "hey, handsome". He's a good looking boy and he knows it.

By Donny's mom (not verified) on 11 Jun 2007 #permalink