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Watch the octopus crawl through a maze of plexiglas tubes—it makes a fellow wish he could get rid of his bones. Hydraulic skeletons rule!
Do not delay. Do not equivocate. Do not think twice. Just get to the theater and buy your tickets, find a seat, turn off your cell phone, and sit back and enjoy Bill Maher's Religulous! In this film, Maher makes a handful of critically important points. Like, if our world is led by people who are…
Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time (all my tweets are also imported into FriendFeed where they are much more easy to search and comment on, as well as into my Facebook wall where they are seen by quite a different set of people): Seasonal blues - as a SAD…

You should most definitely put this on your resume. Think of how impressive this sounds to a potential employer??

By doctorgoo (not verified) on 22 Dec 2006 #permalink