What should be the title of the Science Blogging Anthology?

Here is the background information and here is the growing list of nominations.

I am still looking for a poem, a post about women and/or minorities in science, something from chemistry, geology and/or ecology (not environment/conservation), and a post about stereotypes of scientists in the society (e.g., movies, TV).

I have realized that having an online poll and asking people to evaluate 100+ posts will be too unwieldy, so instead I asked several of my friends, including a couple of SciBlings, several science bloggers not affiliated with Seed, a non-science blogger and a non-blogging scientist to help me evaluate all the entries.

Now, what should be title of the book? How about "The Open Laboratory" or "The Online Laboratory" suggesting both that it is about science and that the Web is a place for experimentation with a new medium and new ways of communication. What do you think? Any other suggestions?

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I like titles that say, rather than suggest, exactly what the book is. The only phrase so far that does that for me is "Science Blogging Anthology."

Jonathon - Outstanding! They are all good!


and you want a poem? Here it is:

I think that I shall never see
A definition of a tree
For trees evolved in many ways
With diff'rent forms, in diff'rent days
So resolution of the term
Requires phylogeny, not form
And Aristotle was not right
To hold morphology to light
And think that habitat would be
Enlightening, and nor should we

[Slightly modified from the published version...]

You might put out a call on DKos, Coturnix. Knowledgable folks there may have suggestions from that blog. Education, for example. (It's not ALL global warming...)