The Sci Blog Conference article in Raleigh News & Observer is now online

It must be hard writing a report on a conference where one of the most frequently voiced opinions is that mainstream media reports always get science stories wrong! But, Kristin Collins did a great job describing what just transpired on UNC campus at the Science Blogging Conference in this article (free registration may be required).

Update: The article was re-published in Charleston (SC) Post and Courier: Scientists hope blogging brings discoveries to the masses

Update 2: Syndication works like a charm: Houston Chronicle: Scientists hope blogging boosts public's interest
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I will mirror this post on the Science Blogging Conference homepage. Let me know if I missed you (i.e., if you ever mentioned or intend to mention the conference on your blog). This will be updated until everyone is exhausted! Because it is going to be so long, I'll keep most of it under the…
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The 2007 Triangle Science Blogging Conference will be a day-long conference Saturday, January 20, 2007 from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. This is a free, open and public event for bloggers, scientists, science educators and anyone interested in discussing science on the Internet. The conference is organized…

I need to ask an infinitely stupid queston.

For technorati tags -- do we just add plain text "Technorati Tag: etc" to the bottom of the post?

I don't see "tags" as a standard part of wordpress blogs, so I haven't been adding it.


If you click on the tag link on the bottom of my post, there is a small field on the bottom right of the page that syas "See your post here"... or something that gives you a short piece of code to place inside your post.

Bora, you've apparently inadvertently clipped the "h" off of "http" in the Charleston Post-Courier link.

A tip for Rob and other wordpress users: in Wordpress, categories are automatically treated as tags by Technorati. So if you add a category called sciencebloggingconference it just works through the magic of technology!

I didn't want the category to be part of my menu, and I could remove it in the thingamabob that I have that shows categories as a cloud, but that's not a standard Wordpress thing, so I don't really know if you can hide it using regular display.