Four-legged Duck

I'm sure PZ is inundated with e-mails from readers asking for a real evo-devo explanation, but in the meantime read the news report and see the picture:

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A review of evo-devo (Jenner, R.A., Wills, M.A. (2007) The choice of model organisms in evo-devo. Nat Rev Genet. 8:311-314. Epub 2007 Mar 6.) is starting to make rounds on the blogs. I cannot access the paper (I'd like to have it if someone wants to e-mail me the PDF), but the press release (also…
It's a conference, in Oregon, and it's about The Future of Evo-Devo, all wonderful things, and it's on 10-12 February — right in the thick of the traditional Darwin Day hoopla, the days when I'm like a big egg-laying bunny at Easter. I'm already booked for Pullman, Washington, then Florida, then…
A couple of posts back, I plugged the Spore game a bit, and I see that proprietor of Pharyngula asks if anyone has played the game yet? PZ shrugs his skeptical shoulders and says insouciantly (well, maybe...I just like the adverb): I've played with the creature creator, which is actually rather…
The University of Oregon and Indiana University have this wonderful Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship in evo-devo that was, unfortunately, established long after I graduated from the UO. I have to say that it is a great idea, and it isn't their fault I'm a superannuated…

* de-lurk *

what's really funny about this is the fact that it was also posted on heh heh

* lurk *