How to tip a cow

More than 15%, I hope,....if you can:


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I suspect that is you pushed with a sharp object that the cow would reflexively shy away. Perhaps a single person could do it by recruiting the cows own muscles.
Never tried it and don't intend to!

It's very funny that this is a sort of reverse-urban myth. You will find piles of literature debunking cow-tipping. Yet it does in fact remain one of the more persistent activities in the upper Midwest. I admit it is not as common as bowling and certainly will never hold a candle to hockey or the other organized sports, but virtually everyone here has done it at least once if not a few times.

It is one of the few outdoor sports like activites that crosses all gender, ethnic, and social boundaries. To the extent that such boundaries exist in the Upper Midwest.

Cow tipping? I have helped take a number of cows down for various medical procedures. It is easier done with a good cow horse, and a qualified roper. The help of a class of strong Vocational Agriculture students will also serve. I would not advise it as recreation for the faint of heart or those prone to injury.


You just need to get at the cows at night when they are sleeping.

it's a good break from snipe hunting, because while snipe hunting one needs to remain very still and silent. So when the snipe are not cooperating, a little cow tipping helps liven up the evening.

Greg, maybe that was our problem. In Texas we normally consider working with cattle to be dirty, serious, and dangerous work, unless we are rodeoing, then it's all fun.
Snipe hunting is a different story entirely. Snipe hunting is usually accompanied by giggling, rough housing, and the drinking of mass quantities of alcoholic beverages. :P

I wonder if they considered whether the cow would stand still long enough to be tipped. Or was that issue considered in the "number of people" determination?