A great interview with Elizabeth Edwards

With Bob Geary of The Independent Weekly. Listen to the whole thing here or read an excerpt here.


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I'm glad that Elizabeth Edwards is facing her cancer with optimism. A close relative of mine is similarly dealing with an "incurable" malignancy and has entered year 3 with no sign of recurrance. I hope she can have many more years of good health.
Still, I am bothered by one remark she made in that interview, as follows:

John was a terrific trial lawyer, Elizabeth said, because he's got a good heart and juries knew it�and because he could explain complex cases to them without talking down or bending the truth. "He's completely truthful," she said. "And that's exactly the quality we're lacking in the White House right now."

How does this square with John Edwards' "channeling" of a Baby afflicted with cerebral palsy during one of his successful trials?

I know this sounds like a cheap shot, but as an MD, I can't help but take this stuff personally.

By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 26 Apr 2007 #permalink

The 'channeling' is a Republican frame (which did Lauch Faircloth no good in 1998).

He was showing the jury EKG tapes and telling them minute by minute what was happening and guessing how it must have felt to the fetus. Read his "Four Trials" book to see the most detailed and comprehensive coverage of that particular case, and be more discerning in the future when you hear something that is likely invented at the Heritage Institute, not in reality.

I think you mean a great interview with Ed Schultz, with newspaper coverage by the Indy's Bob Geary.

By Robert P. (not verified) on 27 Apr 2007 #permalink