Mothers and Others

Scientiae #6 is up on On Being a Scientist and a Woman.


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First about those carnivals: *The deadline for submission to the second installment of the Diversity in Science carnival is midnight (EST) tonight. It's being hosted at Thus Spake Zuska and this month's topic is "Women Achievers in STEM - Past and Present." I myself am trying to get a post up…
Thanks to Skookumchick, there's a new blog carnival in town called Scientiae! This is a blog carnival that compiles posts written about the broad topic of "women in STEM," (STEM=science, technology, engineering and mathematics) and may include posts: stories about being a woman in STEM exploring…
The Scientiae blog carnival has been soliciting posts for their November edition on "talking to yourself." Zuska brought this theme to the attention of some of us guy bloggers and carnival host Yami at Green Gabbro elaborated as follows: ...the past few Scientiae carnivals have been composed…
I absolutely love the Scientiae blog carnival, established originally by and for women in the STEM blogosphere (but has occasionally accepted the blatherings of us with Y chromosomes). What I enjoy most about this carnival is that the host puts out a call for posts on a specific, usually…

After coming from an undergraduate program that was 75% female to a PhD in a lab where there were 9 women and me I can't help but think that in 20 years I'll be writing "being a scientist and a man"