Bay Area Bloggers!?

I know Bay Area is a big blogging center - almost as dense with bloggers as Greensboro, NC - but I am not exactly sure which of the bloggers I know actually live there. Since I'll be in San Francisco in July, I'd like to meet some of the local bloggers. Is there a MeetUp? An aggregator? Do local bloggers attend Drinking Liberally? Is there anything happening during the summer at all?

The NC expats in San Francisco, Josh Steiger and Justin Watt, I'm sure I'll meet as we are friends and we'll be in touch. Perhaps I'll get to meet danah boyd (I missed it when she came here to UNC).

And of course, there are science bloggers, including Jennifer Wong, Janet Stemwedel, Craig McClain and Rick MacPherson. Anyone else?

Anyone wants to go see Iron Science Teacher with me? Or the opening of the new Harry Potter movie on July 11th?

Let me know (comments or e-mail) if you will be in the SF area in July and if you'd like to meet in person.


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