My Picks From ScienceDaily

Stressed-out African Naked Mole-rats May Provide Clues About Human Infertility:

A tiny, blind, hairless subterranean rodent that lives in social colonies in the harsh, semi-arid conditions of Africa could shed light on stress-related infertility in humans, the 23rd annual meeting of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology will hear.

Glimmer Of Hope For Tahitian Tree Snails' Survival:

Despite the mass extermination of Tahiti's unique species of tree snails in recent decades, much of their original genetic diversity can still be found in remnant populations that survive on the island, researchers report in the July 3rd issue of Current Biology, a Cell Press publication. The findings offer renewed hope that targeted conservation measures may yet preserve a representative, although impoverished, fraction of Tahiti's endemic tree snail genetic diversity in the wild--a feat earlier believed to be impossible.

Jellyfish Population Explosion Leads To New Use For Waste Creatures:

Amid growing concern about how to dispose of a booming population of jellyfish -- including 6-foot-long monsters weighing more than 400 pounds -- scientists in Japan are reporting development of a process for extracting a commercially-valuable biomaterial from the marine animals. Their report is scheduled for the July 27 issue of ACS' Journal of Natural Products, a monthly publication.

Advancing Research On Interplay Between Biology And Society:

Scientists will find new ways of understanding the interactions of the biological sciences with society, as a result of awards from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) directorates for biological sciences and for social, behavioral, and economic sciences.


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Scientists interested in treating infertility in humans are turning to an unlikely source for inspiration: naked mole-rats. The rats--actually more closely related to porcupines and chinchillas than moles or rats--live in large colonies much like ants. In these colonies, one dominant female called…
There is lots of cool new stuff in PLoS Biology this week. Take a look: Conspicuous Chameleons is a synopsis/summary of this article: Selection for Social Signalling Drives the Evolution of Chameleon Colour Change: The ability to change colour has evolved in numerous vertebrate and invertebrate…
There are 17 new articles in PLoS ONE today. As always, you should rate the articles, post notes and comments and send trackbacks when you blog about the papers. You can now also easily place articles on various social services (CiteULike, Mendeley, Connotea, Stumbleupon, Facebook and Digg) with…
A Biology News Browser; Green Porno; Naked Mole-Rats and Chili Pepper; 3D from 2D; New View of Middle Earth Stuff From Science Buzz: A great biology teaching resource can be found at Both the Biology Browser home page and their search engine are subdivided into: - organism (…

Hi - I had sent you a link the other day to a post that I could see and you couldn't - thanks for pointing that out. I found out why. Randomly, some of my posts had been flagged as "private" and that explains their commentless status.

Hey, I commented a PLoS One article the other day and the authors were embarrassingly pleased.

Oh, good to know. I can see it now. Thank you - no need to resubmit.