
Tonight is the last pre-scheduled ClockQuote and there are no more re-posts in the pipeline! Does this mean I have to start blogging again? But when? I am working now!

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You may have noticed very sparse blogging last couple of days - just the pre-scheduled Clock Quotes... Well, I have some laptop problems (Dell PC with WinXP, only FF as browser). The first inklings of problems showed up right after the AAAS meeting last month. I have been dutifully cleaning with…
Sorry - I had no internet today since 9am. All the posts were pre-scheduled for automatic posting. Some money came in after midnight so I paid the bill but am too tired right now to post anything (and have too much e-mail and stuff to go through). In the meantime, I did a LOT on my Dissertation…
Just a couple of quick notes on the run. Busy, busy, busy these days. The conference is next week. Everything is falling nicely into place - the program is taking its final shape, the swag is growing and we have 160 people registered so far - only a couple of more spots left. Lots of things to…
...no idea what kind of Internet access I will have there, so I scheduled some re-posts and quotes to show up automatically. I'll add more if I can when I can.

The same time all the rest of us who work blog. When you should be sleeping.

By John Wilkins (not verified) on 13 Aug 2007 #permalink

You now face the blogger's dilemma like the rest of us. I only have this time period from whenever my son goes to sleep, and depending on how fussy my 3 mo old daughter is, until I pass out reading posts about clocks...

Or when i should be working, when my boss is away... just kidding boss (if you are by some 1:1000000 chance reading this)