Michael Pollan - food news

Michael Pollan's book The Omnivore's Dilemma got out in paperback today, so if you have not read it yet, now is the time.

Also, in his mailing-list letter, Pollan announces that he has "...just completed a new book, a short manifesto about diet and health called "In Defense of Food." It's scheduled to be published January 1."

On the Farm Bill, currently going through the Congress, he writes:

The House Bill was a disappointment in many ways, leaving the current subsidy system undisturbed, though there are a handful of creative provisions tucked into it regarding school lunch and local food systems. There's reason to hope the Senate Bill will offer more genuine reforms. It's important to keep public attention focused on the process, lest the usual suspects have their way. A good site for keeping up to date on the substance and politics of the debate is www.farmpolicy.com.


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