Karl of Inoculated Mind blog just got a new set of plates for his truck and, of course, the plates read: INOCUL8.
Karl now wants to collect examples of nerdy, sciency licence plates and perhaps make a set on Flickr (similar to Carl Zimmer's Science Tatoo Gallery), so send him the picture of yours (of course you have one!) or your lab mates' plates.
Some time ago, when I used to park at the Genetics/Entomology parking lot at NCSU, there were several regulars there with plates that read RNA, FRUITFLY, ILUVBUGS, PHEROMON, etc. I actually do not have a vanity plate, although the NC limit of 8 letters would accomodate COTURNIX.
Jonathan Eisen has a licence plate that says PLOS ORG. Now that is dedication to Open Access! Perhaps next time I need new plates I can get a PLOS one as well (his is California, mine would be North Carolina).
So, what do you have?
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I don't have one myself...but a couple professors I know do. A geologist has ARCHEAN and a paleoceanographer has BARITE.
Oh yeah, at my previous institution, another geology prof had ROCKDOC.
I want 4NIC8, or MSTRB8
Not exactly sci plate, but this just reminded me. One of our teens is in rebellion phase, any single order he receives responds with attitude and exclamation "Oh, my God!!!" The very day we have had enough of it, really, we had to pick up something in town, and on our way back I couldn't believe what I've seen: AZ license plate on the black SUV "OHMYGOD"!!! We simultaneously concluded this girl driving is a perfect match for our rebellion teen!
I'm a physician and a Redd Foxx fan.
so my Ct. plate is:MD U812
Seen repeatedly near the University of Chicago's Social Sciences Research Building:
No such thing as vanity plates here - you get what's next in your area. I've always felt a bit sorry for all the drivers in Trondheim. They have VD.
I saw one motoring around my hometown that said HTTP W3. Personally, I'm waiting for the day when I see a VW Beetle with FEATURE as its vanity plate. Since I don't drive, I can't get it for myself (I'm a technical writer).