New in Science Publishing, etc.

From Pierre, we hear about a new system for calculating individuals' research impact - Publish Or Perish, based on Google Scholar.

Deepak, Pedro, Mark and Deepak again take a first look at Clinical Trials Hub and like what they see.

Jeff published a paper, but his Mom was more worried (in the comments) about the way he looks, with Congrats relegated to the afterthought.

SXSW Podcast on Open Knowledge vs. Controlled Knowledge has now been posted online. Worth a listen.

There is an article in Wired on science video sites, including JoVE, LabAction and SciVee and Attila provides deeper commentary.

Is "prokaryotic" an outdated term? Join the discussion (on this paper).

I love this quote: One Plos One Equals Three... in the sense that Open Access publishing is synergetically better.

Yes, I'll be there.

A new Open Access physics journal.

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I know that you know that I work for PLoS. So, I know that a lot of you are waiting for me to respond, in some way, to the hatchet-job article by Declan Bucler published in Nature yesterday. Yes, Nature and PLoS are competitors in some sense of the word (though most individual people employed by…

I tried the P-o-P
Results = 17 papers:346 cites: h=10
But this is based on Google which does a bad job with life science journals.
SCI Results = 57 papers: 2804 cites : h=27.

By Ian Findlay (not verified) on 04 Oct 2007 #permalink

That P-o-P widget is based off several papers in...Scientometrics.

There exists a journal called Scientometrics. I'm going to go puke on my shoes now, thanks.