Japanese Jews sing and dance!

What is this? A Tevye day on science blogs? Attila mentions him. Jason mentions him. I guess, I've been remiss for a while and should do something about it now.

Well, I just discovered that big chunks of the movie can be found on YouTube, but the greatest clip is this one, "Tradition" in Japanese:


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How do you say "oy vey" in Japanese?

This makes me want to imagine what this would be like as kurosawa film with Toshiro Mifune.

Oi vei!

LOL - that would be the best movie of all times!

I found the clip oddly moving. After all, the basic themes of struggling to preserve tradition and rural village life are a big part of Japanese culture. Also, I love show business.

And, you've got to admit, if there were a YouTube of a Yiddish theater adaptation of The Forty-Seven Ronin, I bet the Japanese would find it hilarious.