Happy HalloMeme!

Oh-oh! I got tagged by another meme - the Happy HalloMeme! - by Rick. The idea is to highlight a scary marine or SF film!

I was very young, probably around 7 or 8, when TV Belgrade decided to air a weekly series of old Jack Arnold movies, including It Came from Outer Space, Tarantula, and The Incredible Shrinking Man. But the one that really scared me (I could not sleep that night and had scary moments for quite a while afterwards) was the Creature from the Black Lagoon. Some decades later it may look silly and naive, but for a little boy at the time, it was horrifying! See for yourself:

And I tag:



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Great choice. You've got the "synchronized swimming" scene at 28:20, where the Creature swims just under the beautiful girl, as shot from underwater.

".....Shrinking Man" was my favourite.

How did you manage to find and place a link to the whole film in a blog?? I've never come across this ever before !!


Thanks for the tag, Bora, especially since I'll be doing this every Saturday anyhow. I think today I'm going to cover Frogs or Grizzly (I still haven't decided), but for Halloween I'll actually do a review of something good, something that involves a certain alien at a polar research station that can take the form of anything it comes in contact with...

It's OK. As long as GOP is in charge, every day is Halloween. You can post whenever you want between now and the inauguaration of a Democrat.