Selma - White Button

Bijelo Dugme (White Button) was the most popular rock band in Yugoslav history, and their most popular song (and they had dozens of mega-hits) was this early silly love song:


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Selma putuje na fakultet
Ona putuje
Ja kofer nosim
Tezak je al' posto njen je licno
Ja i taj kofer volim

Selma, na ulasku u voz ti htjedoh rec
Nesto njezno
Nesto sto izaziva pozor
Al' rekoh samo
Zdravo Selma
I molim te ne naginji se kroz prozor

Selma, Selma
Zdravo Selma
Putuj Selma
I molim te ne naginji se kroz prozor

Selma is going to college
She is travelling
I carry the suitcase
It is heavy, but because it is hers personally
I love that suitcase, too.

Selma, at the door of the train
I wanted to tell you
Something tender
Something that shows concern
But I just said
Bye, Selma
And please don't lean out of the window.

Selma, Selma
Bye, Selma
Go Selma
But please don't lean out of the window.