
Yup, I had sarma for dinner tonight. It's been a while since the last time I had some, but Mrs.Coturnix fixed it today, inventing her own recipe along the way. It was delicious!


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Would you mind posting the sarma recipe?


Which one? Mrs.Coturnix's recipe, if remembered by now at all, is a state secret. The one on Wikipedia (in the link above) is decent. Googling 'sarma' brings several other decent recipes. Perhaps I can get my Mother's recipe, but that one will cost you a hill of money ;-)

Oh, like stuffed grape leaves.

By Craig Pennington (not verified) on 28 Dec 2007 #permalink

Stuffed grape leaves are 'dolma', much smaller and to be eaten with sheep curd. Delicious, but not sarma.

Dammit, my ploy has failed! I know well-and-good that stuffed grape leaves are but a shadow. I am of humble Anglo-american stock. No proper Mediterranean or Eastern European blood in me (though, I have an honest claim to Moravia -- Nesrsta ancestors.) I have only once tasted сарма. Please, a real recipe? I do have a good pemmican recipe in answer, from my honest American ancestors. You have my email..

By Craig Pennington (not verified) on 28 Dec 2007 #permalink

Ok quail boy. Good recipes can be revealed without divulging state secrets. What are the herbs the Wiki entry speaks of. Anyone can make a cabbage roll. The herbs are what make it regional.

A general, regional recipe would be much appreciated.

OK, the secret recipe has arrived from my Mother. It will take me some time to translate, but I should be able to post it tomorrow.



sarma rules!
i was just googling for images of sarma and got here so i had to leave a trace since i am from croatia and we all love sarma :)