Sb Reader Survey

Our Seed Overlords need to know more about our readers. Please do a quick survey and put your name in the hat to win an iPod.


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Our wise and benevolent Seed Overlords are looking for more information about your interests. Take the survey, and you'll be entered in a drawing for an iPod.
In case helping preschool special ed students by providing materials for science exploration isn't rewarding enough, the Scienceblogs overlords at Seed Media have made two really enticing offers. First, Seed is matching the first $15,000 donated by scienceblogs readers during the challenge. I think…
First, from the Seed Overlords: You may have noticed some pretty yellow banner ads around the site this week. They're advertising a huge reader survey that we're conducting right now. Anyone (excepting Seed employees) who fills it out can enter to win an iPod and MacBook Air. The survey takes…
The Seed Overlords have put up a survey for our blog readers. You can go here or just click on the green box on the right side-bar and tell them all how you use the site, what you like and dislike, etc., so the improvements can be made in the future. Do we really need more sly sex on our blogs?

Where was:
Should we sack Jim Watson? yes/no