The Invertebrate Wars!

Here we go again! Who is cooler, Echinoderms or Molluscs? You decide for yourself, but I have decided a long time ago:

Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber
Sea Cucumber


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It was a long, hard, and tumultuous battle, but the clash of the titans that began here at The Intersection--that will go down in science blogging history as the Great Marine Invertebrate Wars--has ended.  And yes readers, our own fighting echinoderm has emerged victorious!  The final showdown…
Jim has decided that he will join the darkside for the Invertebrate Battle Royale. That's fine! We wouldn't want someone with such poor cognitive processes on our team. Jim's attack centers on the idea that the Aristotle's Lantern is cooler than the radula. Now I just cannot stand for this.…
The last time I hosted the Circus of the Spineless, I just did a series of photos—invertebrates are wonderfully photogenic. Here we go again, with another collection of gorgeous images of crunchy, squishy, slimy, tentacled, multi-legged, no-legged creatures. Arthropods SEF sent me this nice…

Echinoderms, of course. Blastoids are uber-cool, and there are some really fabulous fossil crinoids as well.

(You aren't limiting the argument to the tiny subset that are living species, are you?)

Nothing beats that phallic shape... ;-)
Or the ability to repel swimmers by assuming the shape and color of human excrement.
Brilliant. And yes, all echinoderms from all eras...

Bora, you don't know what you are getting yourself into. I'm sorry to see you take the wrong side in this one. Consider yourself warned, I may unleash the fury of the Venomous Cone Snail.

It's a little sad to see the invertebrates turn on each other.
But this is good, ... aristotle's lantern vs the radula. Hmm, I'm on the fence.

Is there anything a sea cucumber can't do?

BTW they taste absolutely dreadful - or at least, they have done so on those two occasions where I've got it served. Jellyfish, on the other hand, doesn't taste of much.

Oh PLEASE. Those are our only two choices? Pffft. Give me some siliceous sponges anyday. They're sponges and they're made of GLASS. Show me a sea cucumber that makes fiberglass.

Ah, these are old wars. And they did later expand to a couple of other groups. Then we got badges sporting our choices to wear at ScienceOnline'09 after the wars.