Science Gymnastics

Last week in Trieste, immediately after the scienceblogging session at FEST, I helped start a new blog - Via Ginnastica. It will be run by nine room-mates (in an apartment in the Gymnastic Street), all nine graduates of the Science Communications program in Trieste and all now science journalists of one kind or another. They will mix English and Italian language, serious and fun posts. We'll keep watching....

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Now that Seed scienceblogs are taking over the world, one language at a time, the overlords are asking: which language to conquer next? That's a poll which you should go and take. But my thoughts first: Some languages have few or no science blogs. Others have many but are a a closed community,…
Remember two years ago when I went to FEST in Trieste, Italy? (see pictures and coverage, e.g., this,this, this, this and more). Now nixed by Berlusconi who has other priorities than science, the FEST was one of the most exciting and famous science and technology events in the world. Sad that FEST…
This blog has been a little quiet over the last few days, but I was simply having too much fun at the Science Online '09 conference to find the time to sit down and blog. I got to meet some of my favorite bloggers, too many to mention them all here (I would undoubtedly forget some if I tried to…
Shout out to Bora over at Blog Around the Clock for his post about the USA Science and Engineering Festival. Take a read below or check out his blog. Do you have a blog of your own and want to write a post covering the USA Science and Engineering festival? Put a post up and contact us! Remember…

I am doing a power point on gymnastics and i need help figuring out how gymnastics relates to science.