Every now and then I have some fun and LOL-cat-ize an image from a PLoS ONE paper. See, for instance, LOLdinosaur, LOLtortoise, LOLtasmaniantiger and LOLpterosaur. Folks at the mothership love these. So, if a number of you are up to this I'll make a Flickr set or Facebook group, or a linkfest. Pick your favourite PLoS papers, grab images, LOLcatize them (here) and send them to me, or give me the links. Ideally, if you post these on your blogs, provide also a link to the paper itself or at least let me know which paper they came from.

This is not what I have in mind, but it is a LOL and a PLoS and a cat....


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My own humble contribution is here

By afarensis (not verified) on 31 May 2008 #permalink

Thanks. I tested it first on Facebook. Once there are more images, I will make a proper Flickr set.

Hey Coturnix - when you do, be sure to add them to LOLscience, OK? kthxbai.

By themadlolscientist (not verified) on 02 Jun 2008 #permalink