When Clocks Go Bad

Today in PLoS Genetics: a nice review of some interest to my readers: When Clocks Go Bad: Neurobehavioural Consequences of Disrupted Circadian Timing by Alun R. Barnard and Patrick M. Nolan:

Progress in unravelling the cellular and molecular basis of mammalian circadian regulation over the past decade has provided us with new avenues through which we can explore central nervous system disease. Deteriorations in measurable circadian output parameters, such as sleep/wake deficits and dysregulation of circulating hormone levels, are common features of most central nervous system disorders. At the core of the mammalian circadian system is a complex of molecular oscillations within the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus. These oscillations are modifiable by afferent signals from the environment, and integrated signals are subsequently conveyed to remote central neural circuits where specific output rhythms are regulated. Mutations in circadian genes in mice can disturb both molecular oscillations and measurable output rhythms. Moreover, systematic analysis of these mutants indicates that they can express an array of abnormal behavioural phenotypes that are intermediate signatures of central nervous system disorders. Furthermore, the response of these mutants to psychoactive drugs suggests that clock genes can modify a number of the brain's critical neurotransmitter systems. This evidence has led to promising investigations into clock gene polymorphisms in psychiatric disease. Preliminary indications favour the systematic investigation of the contribution of circadian genes to central nervous system disease.

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This post was originally written on February 11, 2005. Moving from relatively simple mammalian model to more complex systems. I have previously described the basic properties of the circadian organization in mammals. Non-mammalian vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds) have more…
This post was originally written on February 11, 2005. Moving from relatively simple mammalian model to more complex systems. I have previously described the basic properties of the circadian organization in mammals. Non-mammalian vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds) have more…
This post was originally written on February 11, 2005. Moving from relatively simple mammalian model to more complex systems. I have previously described the basic properties of the circadian organization in mammals. Non-mammalian vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds) have more…

I saw this when I got the eTOC. My first thought was "perhaps I should send this to Bora. He might be interested". My second thought was "Duh".

For those interested in circadian dysregulation in psychiatric disorders, the Society for Light Treatment and Biological Rhythms (SLTBR) is holding its 20th Annual Meeting in Vancouver, Canada on June 26-28, 2008. There will be symposia on Chronobiological Aspects of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder; Light, Antidepressants and Circadian Rhythms; Future Uses of Light Therapy; Prevention of Seasonal Affective Disorder; and research oral presentations and posters. For more information and registration, check the web site at www.sltbr.org