What kind of liberal?

Mike made me do it:

How to Win a Fight With a Conservative is the ultimate survival guide for political arguments

My Liberal Identity:

You are a Reality-Based Intellectualist, also known as the liberal elite. You are a proud member of what's known as the reality-based community, where science, reason, and non-Jesus-based thought reign supreme.

Take the quiz at www.FightConservatives.com


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Now this is funny! Here what it says:

You are an Eco-Avenger, also known as an environmentalist or tree hugger. You believe in saving the planet from the clutches of air-fouling, oil-drilling, earth-raping conservative fossil fools.

I'm a believer!!!!! :P

Another Reality-Based Intellectualist (AKA Elitist Bastard?) stands up to be counted!

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 29 Jul 2008 #permalink