Wrinkly, white-haired guy....

Of course, by the time off-shore drilling could produce anything (in about 10 years if we start drilling today), there will be no need for it if we have already moved a huge amount of our energy consumption to non-oil sources.

As Paris Hilton said: "....see you b*tches at the debates..."


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You're looking a bit wrinkly and white haired yourself and Paris does a wonderful job elevating the dialog with that b*tches comment.

Maturity is a good thing, the childishness of Obama and his supporters, not so much.

In response to Joel's thoughtful comment regarding the childishness of Obama's supporters:

Neener neener! McCain started it! Pffffffffffft!

"Maturity is a good thing, the childishness of Obama and his supporters, not so much."

I'm no fan of Obama, but hey, you gotta respond with something. Taking the high road isn't a very effective strategy in American politics. ;-)

"Of course, by the time off-shore drilling could produce anything (in about 10 years if we start drilling today), there will be no need for it if we have already moved a huge amount of our energy consumption to non-oil sources."

Did you just waste several seconds of your life typing out a rebuttal to the Paris Hilton Energy Plan?

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 06 Aug 2008 #permalink

LOL. Yes, I guess so. Obama's is the best, Hilton's is the 2nd and McCain's is atrocious and thus at a distant 3rd place.

This may literally be the very first intelligent thing I've ever heard of Paris Hilton doing. A mind is truly a terrible thing to waste, and it appears she actually has one.

I have heard rumors a long time ago that she is actually very smart, but "plays ditzy" for cameras because that's what pays the bills. She just outed herself and will have to start nurturing a very different image from what was until now.

Now she is indeed "legally" blonde. Yet it amazes me how rumors go on as: many unintelligent people like Paris Hilton is actually very smart in real life. Then who is the actual stupid, really?