ScienceOnline'09 - Wow!

Just two days after we opened registration for ScienceOnline'09 there are already 32 registrants!

And some people are blogging about it:

A Blog Around The Clock: Get your calendars...
A Blog Around The Clock: Will there be a Third Science Blogging Conference?
A Blog Around The Clock: ScienceOnline'09
A Blog Around The Clock: Submit your entries for the third Science Blogging Anthology
A Blog Around The Clock: ScienceOnline'09 - Registration is Open!
Confessions of a Science Librarian: ScienceOnline '09
Laelaps: I'm going, are you?
The Beagle Project Blog: Registration open for ScienceOnline'09 and OpenLaboratory'08
Living the Scientific Life: ScienceOnline'09 Conference in North Carolina
Michael Nielsen: Biweekly links for 09/16/2008
Sea Grant: From Katie Mosher--Science Online 09
Nature Network Bloggers Unite forum: Registration for Science Online 2009 is now open
Fairer Science: It's coming; it's coming
Lab Life: Blogger Bonding, Step 2 - continued


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You can follow the conversation about the Conference by checking in, every now and then, the Blog and Media Coverage page on the wiki. The links to date can also be found under the fold... If you want your posts to be easily detected and included in the listing, please use '' as…
[Bumped up to make it easier for me to update, and links placed under the fold so not to clutter the front page] Here's a collection of blog posts written during the Science Blogging Conference (more will be added over the next couple of days as people write their posts after recovering from travel…
I am collecting all the blog and media coverage on this wiki page, but redundancy is always a good idea in the digital realm, so the links are also now posted here, under the fold: Update: the wiki page has reached its limit of number of links per page, so I am only updating this post from now on…

I am so glad you posted this!!

I had no idea such a cool event was going down a mile from my lab (NIEHS).

We recently had a division retreat over at Sigma Xi - very cool venue.

I cannot wait to meet some fellow bloggers, science writers, and random others. I'll definitely be throwing my own shout-out about this in the morn.

Thanks again, Bora - I'm all excited about it now.

I would post about it too, but there's no point now - I reckon pretty much everybody who reads my blog reads at least one of these others too. I'll have to resort to Beast Blogging again, then.

Oh, good--I didn't see a notice on the ScienceBlogging conference registration before this. I'll make sure my NC colleague is signed up for sure.