The best of September

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New Year's Day, a time to reminisce about the past year, perhaps to analyze its ups and downs, and in the blogosphere: to link to one's "Best of" posts for all of those who missed them. I posted 2960 posts so far this year - with six days to go I may reach 3000. It is not easy sifting through all…
It is always interesting to dig through one's blog archives and see what happened when, or get reminded of a post one forgot was ever written ;-) So, here are some of the key posts on A Blog Around The Clock from 2009, chosen from almost 2000 posts that appeared here this year (which is MUCH less…
A Blog Around The Clock: Get your calendars... A Blog Around The Clock: Will there be a Third Science Blogging Conference? A Blog Around The Clock: ScienceOnline'09 A Blog Around The Clock: Submit your entries for the third Science Blogging Anthology A Blog Around The Clock: ScienceOnline'09 -…
Just two days after we opened registration for ScienceOnline'09 there are already 32 registrants! And some people are blogging about it: A Blog Around The Clock: Get your calendars... A Blog Around The Clock: Will there be a Third Science Blogging Conference? A Blog Around The Clock: ScienceOnline'…