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Just a reminder that you can make me your friend on Facebook, as well as join the groups of fans of A Blog Around The Clock, or the ScienceBlogs Fan Club or the PLoS group. I am also on Dopplr, LinkedIn, Flickr and Stumbleupon so you can find me there if you search and make a connection. I don't…
Or, Twitter & blogs as ways of knowing, Part 2. A month or so ago, I poked a little gentle fun at social media extremists, basically exploring the idea that engaging online is the be-all and end-all of the library profession versus the idea that much of what we do online is peripheral to the…
A year ago, almost none of my old school friends were on Facebook. Today, many are. Facebook statistics show that this past year has seen a huge influx of people, globally, of roughly my age who are not techies or bloggers, just normal people. Over the past 5-6 years, Facebook has evolved and…
I think I have a profile on Friendster - I don't know, I haven't checked since 2003. I have bare-bones profiles on MySpace, LinkedIn and Change.Org and I will get an e-mail if you "friend" me (and will friend you back), but I do not have time to spend on there. I refuse to even look at all the…

Why not Twitter?? :)

I skipped Twitter completely. It does not do anything for me. I am very much online, so when I am off, I am completely off, i.e., I do not use any portable devices, for which Twitter is really made for. Wthen I am online, e-mail, Gmail-chat, Facebook private messages, Facebook chat, and comments on my blog will, together, do the trick. There is just no need for twitter in my life.

For long form, my blog works fine, for short form, FriendFeed is better (and it imports everyone's tweets anyway).