Now we know where Lorax is lurking

Macedonians plant six million trees in single day:

Thousands of Macedonians took to the hills and forests on Wednesday to plant six million trees in a single day as part of a mass reforestation drive in the Balkan country.

The main aim of the campaign was to replant Macedonia's forests after extensive wild fires over the past two summers, and organizers trumpeted the scheme's environmental benefits at a time of global warming.

"Our goal is to make Macedonia "greener" and make people more aware of the needs of this planet," said Macedonian opera singer Boris Trajanov, who initiated the project.

Thousands of people were bused to the planting sites, including more than 1,000 soldiers who planted some 200,000 seedlings at 14 sites.


"If Macedonia, a country of two million people, can plant six million trees, we can only imagine how many trees can be planted in other, bigger countries," he said.

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Hi, I would like to know what you think of the conflict between FYROM taking and forging ancient Macedonian's history and The State of Macedonia in Greece?

I do not have anything like a strong opinion, nor good grasp of the issue. Both sides are right, both sides exaggerate the history a little bit, and both sides have and can have only one name - Macedonia. There is no other name for either of the two regions, and they can't just go and invent a neologism today. Why should current borders or current politics negate millenia of history of Macedonia just because it is now split in half by some silly and temporary, historically-contingent political border?