PLoS ONE Second Birthday Synchroblogging Competition - final list of entries

The deadline for the PLoS ONE Second Birthday Synchroblogging Competition is now officially over. Here are all the posts written for the competition - 18 posts, written by 17 people, covering 22 PLoS ONE articles. Liz, Dave, Jason and I will be reading them today and will announce the winner as soon as we can:

Barn Owl of Guadalupe Storm-Petrel: DNA Repair During Spermatogenesis: Gimme a Break! about the article: Deletion of Genes Implicated in Protecting the Integrity of Male Germ Cells Has Differential Effects on the Incidence of DNA Breaks and Germ Cell Loss

Ed Yong of Not Exactly Rocket Science: Predatory slime mould freezes prey in large groups about the article: Exploitation of Other Social Amoebae by Dictyostelium caveatum

Scicurious of Neurotopia (version 2.0): Why Did the Dolphin Carry a Sponge? about the article: Why Do Dolphins Carry Sponges?

Scicurious of Neurotopia (version 2.0): Einstein was smart, but Could He Play the Violin? about the article: Practicing a Musical Instrument in Childhood is Associated with Enhanced Verbal Ability and Nonverbal Reasoning

Allyson of Systems Biology & Bioinformatics (Semantically Speaking) on One way for RDF to help a bioinformatician build a database: S3DB (also cross-posted on The mind wobbles: One way for RDF to help a bioinformatician build a database: S3DB) about the article: A Semantic Web Management Model for Integrative Biomedical Informatics

Simon Cockell of Fuzzier Logic: Contextual Specificity in Peptide-Mediated Protein Interactions about the article: Contextual Specificity in Peptide-Mediated Protein Interactions

Mike Haubrich of Tangled Up in Blue Guy : Small-Bodied Humans on Palau - A Disagreement about the articles: Small-Bodied Humans from Palau, Micronesia and Small Scattered Fragments Do Not a Dwarf Make: Biological and Archaeological Data Indicate that Prehistoric Inhabitants of Palau Were Normal Sized

Martin of The Lay Scientist : Catching Snowflakes: The Media and Public Perceptions of Disease about the article: Medicine in the Popular Press: The Influence of the Media on Perceptions of Disease

Nir London of Macromolecular Modeling Blog: Model for the Peptide-Free Conformation of Class II MHC Proteins about the article: Model for the Peptide-Free Conformation of Class II MHC Proteins

Greg Laden of Greg Laden's blog: How to make an elephant turn invisible about the articles: Risk and Ethical Concerns of Hunting Male Elephant: Behavioural and Physiological Assays of the Remaining Elephants, Roadless Wilderness Area Determines Forest Elephant Movements in the Congo Basin, Elephant (Loxodonta africana) Home Ranges in Sabi Sand Reserve and Kruger National Park: A Five-Year Satellite Tracking Study and Population and Individual Elephant Response to a Catastrophic Fire in Pilanesberg National Park.

The Neurocritic of The Neurocritic blog: Can You Reread My Mind? about the article: Using fMRI Brain Activation to Identify Cognitive States Associated with Perception of Tools and Dwellings

Moneduloides of Moneduloides blog: A trypanosome and a tsetse walk into a bar... about the article: Factors Affecting Trypanosome Maturation in Tsetse Flies

El-Ho of Pas d'il y'on que nous: The Etiology of Fear about the article: Coupled Contagion Dynamics of Fear and Disease: Mathematical and Computational Explorations

Ian of Further thoughts: Evolution and conservation in Mexican dry forests about the article: Sources and Sinks of Diversification and Conservation Priorities for the Mexican Tropical Dry Forest

Alun Salt of Archaeoastronomy: If you put a snail shell to your ear can you hear the sound of your thoughts? about the article: Climate Change, Genetics or Human Choice: Why Were the Shells of Mankind's Earliest Ornament Larger in the Pleistocene Than in the Holocene?

Michael Tobis of Only In It For The Gold: The Singularity about the article: Ecosystem Overfishing in the Ocean

PodBlack Cat of PodBlack blog: Pet Ownership - Maybe Not For Better Health, Perhaps Sense Of Humour? about the article: To Have or Not To Have a Pet for Better Health?

Juan Nunez-Iglesias of I Love Symposia!: Randomise your samples! about the article: Randomization in Laboratory Procedure Is Key to Obtaining Reproducible Microarray Results

Not in competition, because Dave Munger of Cognitive Daily is one of the judges: Make sure you get some sleep -- or at least some caffeine -- before that test about the article: Sleep Loss Produces False Memories


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Hey, Bora, I just wanted to express my thanks for putting all of this together. And thanks to Dave, Liz and Jason for contributing some time as well. I have read the other entries, and can only say that I am honored to be included.