Blogroll Amnesty Day


skippy and Jonn Swift and Blue Gal are spearheading the Blogroll Amnesty Day (read the detailed instructions in there) again this year.

This weekend, a long weekend starting today and lasting four days, you are supposed to use the above logo, link to the Blogroll Amnesty Day post and link to five blogs that have either smaller traffic or narrower reach than you, or at least are new and unknown to your readers. Then e-mail your permalink to skippy.

Let's promote the new and smaller voices that you think should be known by a wider audience!

I could, of course, list 50 or 500, but I'll stick to the rules and, after agonizing for a long time, suggest these five blogs for you to check out:

Urban Science Adventures!
FYI: Science!
Endless Forms
Dara Sosulski's blog
The Extrovert Scientist


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Let's promote the new and smaller voices that you think should be known by a wider audience!

I could, of course, list 50 or 500,

Yeah, and that list would be almost totally worthless. When a friend comes to town and asks you to recommend a restaurant, do you pick 2 or 3 good ones, or hand him all 16 pages of restaurants listings in the phone book?

By Derrick Chalupa (not verified) on 31 Jan 2009 #permalink