Darwin Day with Carl Zimmer - and a mini-ScienceOnline09

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As you may remember, this week we have a special guest here in the Triangle - Carl Zimmer is coming to enjoy NC BBQ and, since he's already here on the 12th, to give the Darwin Day talk at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh (directions):

"Darwin and Beyond: How Evolution Is Evolving"

February 12, 2009
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

Please join us for a Darwin Day presentation by Carl Zimmer. Mr. Zimmer is well known for his popular science writing, particularly his work on evolution. He has published several books including Soul Made Flesh, a history of the brain, Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea, At the Water's Edge, a book about major transitions in the history of life, The Smithsonian Intimate Guide to Human Origins; and his latest book Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life. Mr. Zimmer contributes to the New York Times, National Geographic, Discover, Scientific American, Science, and Popular Science. He also maintains an award winning blog The Loom.

This event is free, but the museum requests participants pre-register. Register for the talk by sending an email to museum.reservations@ncmail.net. Please include your name, your email address and mention that this is in reference to Carl Zimmer's talk.

Talk Overview: Charles Darwin launched the modern science of evolution, but he hardly had the last word. In fact, today scientists are discovering that evolution works in ways Darwin himself could not have imagined. In my talk I will celebrate Darwin's achievements by looking at the newest discoveries about evolution, from the emergence of life to the dawn of humanity.

Can't make it to the seminar? UNC-TV's North Carolina Now will broadcast an interview with Carl Zimmer Feb. 12, 7:30 pm. The seminar will also be posted on this website in March, 2009.

After the talk, Carl will meet with the local scientists, journalists, bloggers, people still under the influence of ScienceOnline09 and the ubiquitous traveling fan troupe at the Tyler's Restaurant & Taproom at 324 Blackwell St Durham, NC 27701 (Map) starting at around 8:30pm (until kicked out by the bartenders at closing time, at least those of us with the most stamina who can stay up that long). Please join us for the talk and the meetup if you can.

[Picture of Darwin, on the right, is the brand new art piece by Carl Buell]

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