My picks from ScienceDaily

Ticking Of Body's 24-hour Clock Turns Gears Of Metabolism And Aging:

All animals, including humans, have an internal 24-hour clock or circadian rhythm that creates a daily oscillation of body temperature, brain activity, hormone production and metabolism. Studying mice, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and Northwestern University found how the biological circadian clock mechanism communicates with processes that govern aging and metabolism.

Is Parenting A Joy Or A Trial?:

As the nation prepares to celebrate motherhood, a University of York economist is claiming that the idea that parenting makes us happy is an illusion. In an article in the latest issue of The Psychologist, Dr Nattavudh Powdthavee, of the University's Department of Economics and Related Studies, offers an explanation to one of the most surprising conclusions of recent research into wellbeing -- that having children does not increase our level of happiness.

Contrary To Widely Held Beliefs, Romance Can Last In Long-term Relationships, Say Researchers:

Romance does not have to fizzle out in long-term relationships and progress into a companionship/friendship-type love, a new study has found. Romantic love can last a lifetime and lead to happier, healthier relationships. "Many believe that romantic love is the same as passionate love," said lead researcher Bianca P. Acevedo, PhD, then at Stony Brook University (currently at University of California, Santa Barbara). "It isn't. Romantic love has the intensity, engagement and sexual chemistry that passionate love has, minus the obsessive component. Passionate or obsessive love includes feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. This kind of love helps drive the shorter relationships but not the longer ones."

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re: Ticking Of Body's 24-hour Clock Turns Gears Of Metabolism And Aging:

You just know the woomeisters are going to be all over this by the end of the year.