My interviews with Radio Belgrade

Last year in May, when I visited Belgrade, I gave interviews with Radio Belgrade, talking about science publishing, Open Access, science communication and science blogging. The podcasts of these interviews - yes, they are in Serbian! - are now up:

Part 1

Part 2

I know that this blog has some ex-Yugoslavs in its regular audience, people who can understand the language. I hope you enjoy the interviews and spread the word if you like them.

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This was very nice travel in time - glas ti je radiofonican i u prvi mah me je podsetio na Slobodana Konjevica i Studio B.

Elem, odlicna emisija. Imam par komentara, neke cu poslati mailom. Sto se tice garancija za objavljivanje na netu ili u papiru - putpuno je svejedno. Sta - ako je papir, znaci svi su proverili - ma hajde! To je kljuc gde se ljudi moraju trgnuti od toga da je papir veca garancija od elektronske verzije. B92 - vidim da ne vole da se prica o konkurentskim kucama :D

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