Trip to Germany and Serbia

Later this month, I'll be attending the 59th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany. The list of Nobel Laureates (about 20 of them) and the list of about 600 young researchers from 66 countries are very impressive. Of course, not being a chemist, I'll have to do some homework before I go, learning what these people did to get the prizes.

The program certainly looks interesting - there is a lot of "meta" stuff beyond pure chemistry, so I will always find interesting sessions to attend and blog from. Yes, I am going to be there as a blog-reporter. I understand that PZ will also be there in the same capacity.

The meeting is from June 28th to July 3rd, after which I'll fly to Belgrade for a few days, to visit my Mom and meet some friends (especially those I missed last year). Ana, Vedran and some others are already trying to organize for me to give lectures and interviews while there.

If you'll be either at the Lindau meeting or in Belgrade at the above dates, let me know. I'll be flying through London, but will not have much or any time to stop and do any socializing there this time around.

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As you may already be aware I am about to embark on a trip to Europe again. I will be traveling on Sunday and arriving at Lindau, Germany on Monday for the 59th Meeting of Nobel Laureates. The list of Nobel Laureates (23 of them) and the list of about 600 young researchers from 66 countries are…
Annually focusing on a different discipline, the Nobel Laureates meet in Lindau (Southern Germany). This year's meeting is going to be about chemistry and we, the editors of will be covering all events along with seven blogging scientists. Although there will of course be lots of…
From June 29th through July 4th, 25 Nobel laureates and over 550 young scientists from all over the world are gathering in Lindau, Germany, at the 58th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. This year's meeting is dedicated to physics. Beatrice Lugger, managing editor of, is in Lindau and…
From June 29th through July 4th, 25 Nobel laureates and over 550 young scientists from all over the world are gathering in Lindau, Germany, at the 58th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. This year's meeting is dedicated to physics. Beatrice Lugger, managing editor of, is in Lindau and…

what trains do i take from DeGaulle airport to Trier Germany

By arnold london (not verified) on 01 Jun 2009 #permalink

No idea. I don't live in Europe.

BTW, while in Lindau, I will also be on a panel about Open Access:

"Beatrice Lugger, German science journalist (and founder of, will moderate this panel. Further are: Nobel Laureates Aaron Chiechanover and Sir Kroto, Bora Zivkovic of PLoS, and Dr Jason Wilde, publisher for the physical sciences at Nature Publishing Group."