Who will go to Antarctica?

And blog from there? For the Quark expedition!

The voting has been going on for quite a while now, but now we are in the final stretch. There are several hundred contestants, but only the top few vote-getters have a chance (they also need to pass an in-person interview).

The voting is well controlled - it requires a simple registration - so it is not possible to game the system (too much). It is also possible to change your vote, so if you have already voted for someone who now has no chance, you may want to switch to someone who has.

Several people at the top are good (including Danielle Lee!), but the first three are probably the only ones with a realistic chance.

In the first place is some Portuguese radio DJ. He must not be that popular with his listeners if even with a radio station broadcasting his pleas for his audience to vote, he only accumulated 5952 Votes so far.

In the second place is some guy whose claim to fame is family relationship with some celebrity - does his last name ring a bell? He's got 1858 Votes to date via his celebrity network.

And in the third place is our own Grrrlscientist the top vote-getting real, true, nature/science blogger who can actually know what to look for and how to write about what she sees in Antarctica. Right now she has 1753 votes. No radio station, no celebrity fan-club, just some blog readers. But she can have more....if you vote now and tell all your friends to do the same.


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Up to 1755 now, only 103 behind Don, and rather a lot behind our Portuguese penguin.

I think if Grrl is to get first place, she needs some help from PZed, but that's looking as likely as a Nature editorial coming out in support of her. :-(

I tried to follow Capone's advice so I voted early and tried to vote often, but the organisers were on to me...

By antipodean (not verified) on 08 Sep 2009 #permalink