Tech in Education at #140conf (videos)

This week in NYC, at #140 conf, I was most impressed by the talks and panels about education, and the use of online technologies, Web, and particularly social networks like Twitter in the classroom. You know I am interested in this - just search my blog for names like "David Warlick" and "Stacy Baker", or dig through my "Education" and "Science Education" categories. These videos are all short - 10 or 20 minutes long, so I strongly recommend you watch all four clips:

Chris Lehmann (@chrislehmann) - Social Media + Education:

Real Time Communication and Education: Aparna Vashisht (@Parentella) - Founder, Parentella (moderator) Kevin Jarrett (@kjarrett) - K-4 Technology Teacher Lisa Nielsen (@InnovativeEdu) - Educational Technologist - NYC Dept of Ed Mary Beth Hertz (@mbteach) - K-6 Computer Teacher and Technology Teacher Leader in Philadelphia:

Twitter and Animal Farm (and some 8th graders) - George Haines (@oline73) - Technology Teacher, Sts. Philip and James School, and his students:

Real-time web and Education #2: Eric Sheninger (@NMHS_Principal) - Principal of New Milford HS (NJ) Kyle B. Pace (@kylepace) - Teaching K-12 teachers about technology infusion Steven W. Anderson (@web20classroom) - Technology Educator, Blogger, Co-Creator of #edchat Tom Whitby (@tomwhitby) - Professor of English in Secondary Education:

Related posts:

ScienceOnline'09: Interview with Stacy Baker
ScienceOnline'09 - Saturday 10:15am
There is no need for a 'Creepy Treehouse' in using the Web in the classroom
Removing the Bricks from the Classroom Walls: Interview with David Warlick
Is our children learning?
This is bullshit: TEDxNYED talk by Jeff Jarvis (video)
Education 2.0
ScienceOnline'09 - interview with Erica Tsai
Podcastercon2006 - the Teaching Session
ScienceOnline'09 - interview with Elissa Hoffman
Teacher-philosophers in a fast-changing world
Using Blogs to Promote Science Literacy
Very young people blogging about science
Very young people blogging about science - let's welcome them
Making it real: People and Books and Web and Science at ScienceOnline2010

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